Sunday, July 13, 2014

Stains on the Soul Book Tour

Short Bio: Jamie White is a music addict, book lover, pet servant & NaNoWriMo survivor. When she's not busy writing posts for CultureShock, she's taking pictures for her photo blog and spending time with her husband and pets. She released Stains on the Soul and Clutter via Pagan Writers Press in 2013.

Long Bio: Jamie White is an author, blogger, photo geek, music addict, editor, pop culture geek, paranormal junkie, and a pet servant.

She spent more than a decade as a Journalism student, geeking out over Pagemaker, layout design, and other stuff.

In college, she took it a step further and became the only student to be on all three of her college's publications, serving as Editor-In-Chief for two of them. Later, she went on to freelance writing and blogging.

Jamie began her journey into fiction writing in 2010 after joining a writing group. Since that first meeting, she has completed a bunch of short stories, five manuscripts, and several in progress. Her first novel, The Life and Times of No One In Particular, was released in 2012. She followed it up with a story in the Lyrical Muse Anthology in 2013. The end of 2013 will see two releases with Pagan Writers Press.

When Jamie's not writing or blogging, she takes pictures, meditates, practices Reiki and chanting, watches favorite shows/movies, takes walks, and serves as a volunteer for the Florida Writers Association by running their social media and a writing group (Gulfstream Writers).


BK: Looking out the nearest window, describe the scene you see.

Nothing too exciting. LOL! I live in a city where the only scenery outside my window is the power lines and the back of the apartment building by my house.

BK: Tell us about your office. Is it a mess like mine, or is everything in its place?

I don’t really have a home office. I use a desk at times in the bedroom (which is definitely a bit of a mess…. working on that), but most of the time I am sitting on the living room chair with my laptop.

A lot of the time, I retreat to the library to work because it’s so much more peaceful. Our fur babies don’t seem to understand the concept of “working” time. Can you imagine?

BK: What is a must-have, such as coffee or a favorite pen, that you need to write?

Normally, I really need a computer or laptop to write. I do write by hand here and there, but it just goes so much faster with a computer. The words seem to flow easier, too. Another must-have is noise. I love to listen to either music or meditation tracks while I work. It helps me focus and get into the right mood.

BK: Do you like to write in silence, or do you need music or background noise?

Definitely no silence. LOL. Even when I was a kid, I’d do my homework while belting out my favorite CDs.

BK: Tell us a bit about your hero/heroine, and their development.

Fiona is your typical teenage girl, about to leave for college for the first time while trying to figure out her romantic situation. She begins to suffer from horrible nightmares that lead her on a spiritual journey to try and understand what they’re trying to tell her. Over the course of the story, she begins to understand herself and her dreams more.

BK: As a writer myself, I'm always curious how other writers get through stumble blocks. When you find a story not flowing, or a character trying to fight you, how do you correct it?

Mostly, I set it aside and go on a walk or listen to music/watch TV to clear my head when I’m stuck. Other times, I read or move on to another project to try and get the groove back.

BK: Using the letters of your first name as an acronym, describe your book...

In the

BK: How did your writing journey begin?

It began back in 2010, when I went to a meeting of a local writing club. I really enjoyed meeting everyone and telling short stories, and it evolved from there.

BK: Using the letters from the word, Summer, how would friends and family describe you?

I’ll let my husband answer that one…. Here is what he came up with:
Supremely Underappreciated Musical Maven Exenplifying Realism

BK: What is the craziest thing you've ever written about, whether it got published or not?

Hmm. I’d say the craziest thing that I’ve written so far is the short story about a demonic doll that was based on a doll I actually had as a kid.

BK: Tell us one thing you've done in life, that readers would be most surprised to know.

Hmm. Well, here is a video I did for an event that has a bunch of different facts:

BK: What can we expect from you in the future?

This or That...

Coke or Pepsi? Neither.

Night Owl or Early Bird? Definitely a night owl.

Fantasy or Mystery? Mystery

Pen/Paper or Computer? Computer

Pizza or Burger? Pizza

Rock or Country? Country (although I really love all genres)

Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate

Beach or Mountains? Beach

Thank you so much for having us as one of your stops today. It has been great getting to know more about you and your book, and wish you the best of success!

Social Links:

Book Genre: Paranormal/New Age
Publisher: Pagan Writers Press
Release Date: November 27, 2013

Book Description:

It’s her last summer before going away to college and Fiona finds herself facing more than she bargained for: A boyfriend she doesn’t want who has a strange hold over her, a friend pushing her to expand her boundaries, and a new guy named Ted whose presence is more than a distraction.

If that isn’t enough, Fiona is being haunted with horrifying nightmares of burning at the stake—nightmares so real, she feels as though she’s losing her mid.

Are they only dreams, or are they trying to warn her about this new guy she can’t help but want?

Audio Excerpt:


The flames from the torches danced around her, creating a terrifying glow on the gathered crowd. The young girl struggled against her restraints in an attempt to escape the fate that awaited her. The jeers of the spectators echoed through her mind like a demonic chorus, sending chills down her spine.
The more she struggled, the tighter the ropes that bound her felt. She knew it was a futile endeavor—even if she did get free, she was in no condition to attempt an escape. Plus, contrary to their insane notions, she had no special powers. Her only power was her knowledge of the earth and how its resources could be used to cure ills. What good would that do against a mob such as this?
Her heart pounded and her breathing came quick and ragged as the men kneeled down to light the kindle piled beneath her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, willing herself to keep calm. Her fate was sealed, but she could at least deny them the pleasure of seeing her fear. She opened her eyes, and her gaze settled on one of the spectators.
Fiona Stevens gasped as she sat up in bed. She took a deep breath and shook her head in an attempt to rid herself of the horrifying images that had begun to haunt her sleep. For the past week, she'd been having nightmares so real it took her a minute to realize who and where she was.
“Another nightmare?”
Her sister’s voice brought her back to reality. She was safe and sound in the bedroom she shared with her sister, centuries removed from the days when events like the one in her dream happened. Get a grip already. “Yeah, it’s no big deal.” She reached for the book on her nightstand and tossed it into a drawer. “I think I need to stop reading this stuff before bed. It’s just fueling my muse.”
Rebecca smiled. “Writers—you’re all insane.” The younger girl grew serious as she studied Fiona’s face. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re white as a sheet right now.”
“I’m fine. Seriously; it's no big deal.” Fiona pushed the comforter aside and stuffed her feet into a pair of slippers by the bed. She stood, gra.bbed the robe lying on the end of her bed, and then wrapped herself in the soft, warm material. “I think I’m gonna go downstairs and get something to drink. Sorry I woke you; go back to sleep.”
Her sister frowned but shrugged her shoulders. “All right. See you in the morning.” Rebecca rolled over and pulled the comforter tighter to her body.


July 11 - Spotlight at Simplistic Reviews

July 13 - Author Interview at My Life, Loves, & Passions

July 13 - Guest Blogging at Coffee, Books, Art

July 14 - Spotlight at IndieWritersReview

July 14 - Spotlight at Debbie Jeans

July 14 - Guest Blogging at Reader's Cubby

July 15 - Author Interview at PubSlush

July 16 - Spotlight at Black Lilac Kitty

July 16 - Guest Blogging at Mythical Books

July 16 - Author Interview at Deal Sharing Aunt

July 18 - Guest Blogging at Lori's Reading Corner

July 19 - Guest Blogging at Wise Words Book Blogger

July 19 - Guest Blogging at The Avid Reader

July 19 - Guest Blogging at Kinky Vanilla Romance

Bk Walker Owner, Chief Marketer Virtual Book Tour Café | e: | w: Free signature tool. CLICK HERE TO GET IT. ​


  1. Thanks for hosting me. :)

  2. Loved the interview and book trailer. Thanks for posting! :)
    D. Coto ( - Pit Crew


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