Read along with us on the EXCERPT TOUR for
the third book in the YA/NA Urban Fantasy Descendants Series:
Reign of Shadows
By Melissa Wright
By Melissa Wright
(Descendants #3)
By Melissa Wright
Brianna can see her future, but it’s the past that haunts her. Plans laid in place centuries ago are threatening not only her and her sister, but all of the Seven Lines. As the shadows plot their way to old rule, the visions shift again. Her power has led to some hard choices—and the occasional stab wound—but this set of futures holds nothing but darkness.
Unable to bear the idea of losing the footing they've so recently gained, she turns the soldiers of the Seven. But with shadows hidden among the ranks, can she overcome the path they've set in place, or is she blindly following their lead?
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Chapter Three
“What do you mean?” Emily asked again. “That’s not—” She stopped, shaking her head. “Brianna, that’s not possible. There can’t be more of them.”
Aern’s weight shifted, unconsciously moving toward her. He’d known the battle with Morgan was not the end. He’d seen it in Brianna’s eyes, felt it in her apology. They’d set some new chain of events into motion, brought some new fate down on them all.
“How long do we have?” he asked.
Brianna shook her head. “They’re waiting on something.” Her eyes went briefly out of focus and the skin of Aern’s arms tingled. An instant later she was back. “I can’t quite find it. But I feel like once I have full control, I’ll be able to see.”
He understood without her having to explain in detail. Brianna had broken something free in all of them, given them powers that were long ago taken away, and they were hard to grasp. It was taking time to regain their control, to relearn the motions of it. Like a muscle after years of disuse. After a terrible, crippling accident.
“There’s something different about the visions now,” Brianna said. Her gaze skimmed the surface of the table, not wanting to admit what she was about to say. What she had to say. “It’s not like the prophecy, this is something else. And it’s not what’s to come.” She locked eyes with Aern. “It’s now.”
He sat, suddenly intent on having this conversation at eye level, and braced his elbows on his knees to lean toward her. “So you’ve seen these other shadows?” He was careful with the word, unsure of what it would mean to them, to Emily.
“No,” Brianna said. “They aren’t clear. There’s something fuzzy,”—she paused, finding the right term—“foggy about them. Blocking them. But I know they’re there.” She pulled her lip beneath her tooth, then purposefully freed it. “What I’m seeing now though, I’m not sure what he is.”
“He?” Emily asked, pacing behind Aern’s chair, arms wrapped around herself. It wasn’t a look of fear. It was agitation. Readiness.
“There was a man,” Brianna answered with a nervous glance at Logan. “I hadn’t had a chance to tell anyone, but I didn’t realize.” She shook her head, started again. “He was there, in the warehouse where Morgan held me.”
Logan flinched at the reminder, but Brianna couldn’t see where he stood at her shoulder. Only Aern and Emily saw.
“Who?” Aern asked.
Brianna shrugged. “I’d never seen him before. Dark hair, sharp features, and a strong jaw. Maybe 6’ 2”. But there was something about him, something that made me want to tear free and fight.” The man’s words echoed through her mind again, a warning she’d not understood at all.
Maybe Morgan isn’t the only one you should be worried about.
She saw Aern’s gaze flick to Logan and she glanced up at him over her shoulder. “That’s not all.” She swallowed hard, eyes coming back to Aern. “I saw him again, after I’d repaired some of the connections in me and Emily.”
The room went still, Emily and Logan finally understanding. “And you saw him as he was, not as a prophecy,” Aern said.
Brianna nodded. “I didn’t realize that was what was happening. But he was there, with Morgan, and it was as if he wanted me to see him.”
(Descendants #2)
by Melissa Wright
There is a teaser posted here and the first chapter posted here, but beware, it's full of spoilers from the first book.
Purchase from Amazon , Barnes and Noble, and the Book Depository. Can also purchase in audio at iTunes and Audible.

Melissa Wright is the author of the Frey Saga and the new Descendants series. Melissa spends her time working on novels, but when not writing she can be found on Goodreads and Pinterest.
Tour-Wide Giveaway
Grand Prize: $15 Amazon Gift Card and ebook copies of all three Descendants' books
3 - ebook copies Shifting Fate or Reign of Shadows (winner's choice)
Open internationally
Ends August 7th
Ends August 7th
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Book-Marks the Spot
Simplistic Reviews
Wishful Endings
Nocturnal Predators Reviews
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My Devotional Thoughts
The Wonderings of One Person
The Written Adventure
Dalene's Book Reviews
Deal Sharing Aunt
The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club
23 - Launch
Letters from Annie (Douglass) Lima
My Life, Loves and Passion
Kelly P's Blog
Musings of Immortals
Book n Blog
Christy's Cozy Corners
Mythical Books
Book-Marks the Spot
Simplistic Reviews
Wishful Endings
Nocturnal Predators Reviews
Katie's Clean Book Collection
My Devotional Thoughts
The Wonderings of One Person
The Written Adventure
Dalene's Book Reviews
Deal Sharing Aunt
The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club
30 - Release-Day Blitz
thanks for this information nice article