The Sea of Dreams spat me out with no memories, no idea of who I was or what my purpose might be. When Captain Bo, dream killer extraordinaire, arrived, I took a chance to explore. On the road of discovery, I tripped upon dreamplanes floating dead in a graveyard, scared children attempting to survive their dreams turned nightmare, strange guardians, rogue Dreamlanders, and ships with hearts of silver. I learned more about Dreamland than I ever thought possible. But people are dying. They're disappearing. Dreamland is twisting, shifting, ripping. I don't know how best to help, how to save those I've met, who have wormed their way into my heart. If only I knew who I was, what I'd been born to do. Then I found out. I know who I am. I wish I didn't. Dream Killers is geared for fans of Once Upon a Time. The first season (Spring 2014) consists of 3 novellas called episodes. It follows River as he discovers who he is and his role in Dreamland. Dream Killers is to Dreamland Stories what Agents of Shield is to the Marvel movies. Dreamland is an intense, rich, fascinating world with lots going on. If you like fairy tales, are looking for something new,try this one.
Book Review
So these stories were so different. But they were different in an awesome way. I can honestly say that I don't remember reading stories like these in a while. The stories follow River on his journey. He discovers who he is and how he is to help dreamland.
This story is 3 different episodes in the story.
Everything is written so beautifully. I could picture in my mind everything that was written. I love fairy tales and reading this brought me back to being a little kid ho just devoured stories. If you love beautiful stories and amazing story telling then this book is for you!
This story is 3 different episodes in the story.
Everything is written so beautifully. I could picture in my mind everything that was written. I love fairy tales and reading this brought me back to being a little kid ho just devoured stories. If you love beautiful stories and amazing story telling then this book is for you!
A Deleted Scene From Eyes of Stars
Mam Dika’s Who slammed into my chest as she dragged me along by my arm. Mother of six, each child a bigger pain, each child a wonder and a blessing. Protective of her family, her wagon, her home. Careful to claim only those she could protect.
She jerked away, her wrinkled lips forming an ‘o’ as she gaped. “What dids you do?”
“I don’t know.” I didn’t. Was this a new development of my abilities?
“You comes with me, boo.” She blinked, ducking her head, her hand tucked to her chest. “You comes with me.”
I had a lot of questions, but I bit down on all of them. We skirted around the muttering piles of trash, staying clear of the bashers roaming the park.
Not a single runner.
The caravan came within sight, each wagon a different color. I didn’t see the travelers, though. It wasn’t like them to be in a Dreamlander Place and not be out hawking their wares or services.
Mam Dika crossed through the circle and paused, her hands fisted in her colorful skirts.
As soon as I crossed the circle, a dome appeared over the wagons and flared a color I’d never seen in all of Dreamland. Orange. Warmth filled me. Love. Happiness. Shelter. Protection. The name of each person who made the circle touched my ear, a brief whisper of their Who seeping into my heart.
Rulak, leader, protector.
Mam Dika, mother, lover.
Master Pitivo, inventor, fixer.
Maarah, imaginator.
Punka, musician and keeper of the hearth flame.
I took in a deep breath. The list of names went on. So many people, all of whom I knew.
Mech, mechanic and doctor.
My breath escaped me. So he’d made it into the circle, into the protection the caravan offered. He’d become one of them. That was good.
Travelers spilled out of their wagons, all eyes and incredulous expressions aimed in my direction.
My mind scrambled to figure out what had just happened as I clenched my fists for control.
Wadji turned to me. “What did you do?”
Wouldn’t I like to know?
Bo frowned. “What did I miss?”
Rulak pushed his way through the gathered crowds and stopped once he saw me. “River.”
I bowed my head in respect, my heart racing. “Rulak.”
He shoved Bo out of the way and gathered me in a tight hug.
He’d kissed his first girl when he was five. He’d known then he’d never love another. He’d married her shortly after they’d turned sixteen. The caravan was his life. He’d give anything to protect it, to keep his people safe.
He’d been the one to find the boy on the sea of dreams, floating like a dead thing on the water. He’d known he had to save that boy, to pull him from the ocean waves. Something whispered to him, a woman’s voice. That woman told him the waters were deep, but she would keep him safe. All he needed to do was pull the boy out. Pull the boy out.
The waters had been cold, but nothing tore at his soul. He’d grabbed the boy—me—out of the sea and dragged him to shore. The boy—I was so young, so small.
Master Pitivo was the only witness. His dark eyes swore he would never tell.
Rulak pulled away, his hands remaining on my shoulders. “What does you do, River?”
His Who wouldn’t stop. It permeated me, like the dreams in the web.
Master Pitivo had called Rulak into his wagon. They stared down at the boy on his bed. His dark hair—my hair—was plastered to my head. Water soaked the blankets. What does we do with him?
We keeps him.
He comes from the sea, Rulak. You knows what we’s been told. None to touch those waters. None.
Rulak broke away and stepped into the space his memory-self had occupied. The past and the present morphed into one. He raised his chin and nodded once. “Why does you come back, Riv-boo?”
Mam Dika glanced from Rulak to the sky.
She wasn’t looking at the sky, though. She stared at the dome, still visible to the naked eye. “He be ours.”
Rulak nodded, the corners of his lips drawn in. “Was that ever in the doubt?”
“For some? Yes.”
“For me? No.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “What does you need now that you is back home?”
Home? I’d never been allowed to call the caravan home before.
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