Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Catastrophe Qeen is Live


One hot mess. One hot boss. One too many hot encounters...


Catastrophe Queen, an all-new hilarious office romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Emma Hart is available now!

It’s not you. It’s me.
No, seriously. It is me. Not only does my name literally mean “unfortunate,” but that’s the story of my life.
Everything I touch turns to cr*p. An apartment fire—that I swear I was not responsible for—means I’m living back at home with my s*x-mad parents. Yay, me!
Which is why I need my new job as personal assistant to Cameron Reid to get back on my feet. Three months in this job and I can move back out and, hopefully, remember to turn off my flat iron once in a while.
On paper, my job is easy. Make coffee. Book appointments. Keep everything in order.
Until I walk in on my boss, half-naked, wearing nothing but the kind of tiny white towel that dreams are made of.
Now, nothing is easy—except our mutual attraction. But he’s my boss, and you know what they say about mixing work and pleasure: unless you do p*rn, it’s just not worth it.
Or is it?
Download your copy today!
Add to GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2CRIskS
About Emma Hart
Emma Hart is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over thirty novels and has been translated into several different languages. She is a mother, wife, lover of wine, Pink Goddess, and valiant rescuer of wild baby hedgehogs. Emma prides herself on her realistic, snarky smut, with comebacks that would make a PMS-ing teenage girl proud. Yes, really. She's that sarcastic.
Connect with Emma
Stay up to date with Emma by joining her mailing list: https://www.emmahart.org/newsletter

Monday, January 28, 2019

Some Free books and A Giveaway!?! Come check it out!

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FREE BOOKS! (pssst. Check out the great romance ebooks – all of these books are FREE!) And a giveaway? Yep, keep reading! Let Love Bloom Valentine’s Day Romance and fill your readers! Not only do you have a chance to follow your favorite authors and discover new ones! You can even sign up for FREE to get notifications from them through Bookbub. Do you have an account? It’s FREE (love that word!) and you get notifications about great books all the time – like our authors here! SIGN UP HERE Two great ways to take part in this promotion:
  1. Participate in the giveaway (just follow the rules – so easy!) and you could win a chance at this $100 Amazon Gift Card
  2. Click on any of the terrific romance covers and add that book to your To Be Read list.
Find a new author today!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Princess of Baler Street Book Tour

The Princess of Baker Street
Mia Kerick
Published by: Harmony Ink Press
Publication date: January 22nd 2019
Genres: Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Young Adult
“Always wear your imaginary crown” is Joey Kinkaid’s motto. For years, Joey, assigned male at birth, led the Baker Street kids in daring and imaginative fantasy adventures, but now that they’re teenagers, being a princess is no longer quite so cool. Especially for a child who is seen by the world as a boy.
Eric Sinclair has always been Joey’s best friend and admirer—Prince Eric to Joey’s Princess Ariel—but middle school puts major distance between them. As Eric’s own life takes a dangerous turn for the worse, he stands by and watches as Joey—who persists in dressing and acting too much like a Disney princess for anybody’s comfort—gets bullied. Eric doesn’t like turning his back on Joey, but he’s learned that the secret to teenage survival, especially with and absent mother, is to fly under the radar.
But when Joey finally accepts who she is and comes to school wearing lip gloss, leggings, and a silky pink scarf, the bullies make her life such a misery that she decides to end it all. Eric, in turn, must decide who he really is and what side he wants to stand on… though no matter what he chooses, the consequences with be profound for both teens, and they’ll face them for years to come.
Is there a chance the two teens can be friends again, and maybe even more?

This book was a hard read. Not in a badly written story way, but in a reminded me of my childhood. I loves how this story is told from the friends point of view. Eric really changed and grew between part 1 & 2. 
This book really captured what middle school is like and how horrible it can be. Some books over exaggerate what middle school is like but not this one. I loved joey/shaylee and how she and her mother grew as characters.
I definitely cried and felt like Eric's stories were mine. But as a mom I just wanted to pull them in and love them. So need to have young people read thos book!

Author Bio:
Mia Kerick is the mother of four exceptional children—one in law school, another a professional dancer, a third studying at Mia’s alma mater, Boston College, and her lone son, heading off to college. (Yes, the nest is finally empty.) She has published more than twenty books of LGBTQ romance when not editing National Honor Society essays, offering opinions on college and law school applications, helping to create dance bios, and reviewing scholarship essays. Her husband of twenty-five years has been told by many that he has the patience of Job, but don’t ask Mia about this, as it’s a sensitive subject.
Mia focuses her stories on the emotional growth of troubled people in complex relationships. She has a great affinity for the tortured hero in literature, and as a teen, Mia filled spiral-bound notebooks with tales of tortured heroes and stuffed them under her mattress for safekeeping. She is thankful to her wonderful publishers for providing her with an alternate place to stash her stories.
Her books have been featured in Kirkus Reviews magazine, and have won Rainbow Awards for Best Transgender Contemporary Romance and Best YA Lesbian Fiction, a Reader Views’ Book by Book Publicity Literary Award, the Jack Eadon Award for Best Book in Contemporary Drama, an Indie Fab Award, and a Royal Dragonfly Award for Cultural Diversity, a Story Monsters Purple Dragonfly Award for Young Adult e-book Fiction, among other awards.
Mia Kerick is a social liberal and cheers for each and every victory made in the name of human rights. Her only major regret: never having taken typing or computer class in school, destining her to a life consumed with two-fingered pecking and constant prayer to the Gods of Technology. Contact Mia at miakerick@gmail.com or visit at www.miakerickya.com to see what is going on in Mia’s world.



Thursday, January 24, 2019

Shadow Walker is here! Check out my review and enter the giveaway

Shadow Walker
Anya J. Cosgrove
Publication date: January 17th 2019
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance
A newborn witch is rescued by two smoking-hot brothers. Can she unravel their dark secrets? Or will she lose her soul trying?
Alana sucks at witchcraft. Healing, telepathy, seeing through illusions… she can’t master any of it.
Sparring with the six-foot-three muscular Walker brothers doesn’t help her focus. Alana’s not about to let herself fall for a man—or a demon—especially not the ones that abducted her in an attempt to save her life.
When a bitter demon learns of Alana’s existence, he’ll stop at nothing to possess her and drive a wedge between the two brothers. If Alana can’t learn to use her powers, she’ll die. If she can’t discern illusion from reality, she’ll lose her mind.
Nothing stays black and white in a world full of shadows.
Demons, witches, forbidden love… visit the otherworld today.

So The story starts of with Alana celebrating her 20th birthday. Then things take a sharp turn for horrible. Next thing she is being kidnapped and rescued, then held prisoner. Her safety is now in the hands of a demon and his brother. 
The story sucked me in from the beginning. Not because of Alana though. I fly d her who y and annoying and just could not stand her. Thom is the stereotypical hero, love intrest. I loved Milan and Liam. The shadowed story line was so fascinating that I just wanted to know more. 
I feel like Alana and he powers/heratige are not really explained enough. I felt like I learned nothing about her or witches and had so many questions and was left feeling unsatisfied with that part of the story. Now Liams story was amazing. I loved him and learning about him. The chapters with his point of view were so good. I can't wait for the next book. I hope there are more answers and that Alana and Thom are not together. I feel like they were put together because it was "right." Plus she should be with Liam

Author Bio:
Anya J Cosgrove lives in Québec with her husband, her beautiful son, and two mischievous cats. She works as a veterinarian by day. She’s a travel and Disney junkie and is passionate about her favorite paranormal series.
What would Buffy do? Kick ass!
Read it first! http://bit.ly/anyaslair


Check out the excerpt for An Alaskan Proposal!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

An Alaskan Proposal
(Northern Lights #4)

By Beth Carpenter
Contemporary Romance
Mass Market Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
January 1st 2010 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Can he teach her survival skills—

without endangering his heart?

When Sabrina Bell taps Leith Jordan for a crash course in conquering the great Alaskan outdoors, he figures he’s on safe ground. They’re polar opposites and his spectacular home state’s just a pit stop for the hotshot fashionista. So no one’s more surprised than Leith when he starts falling for her. Now he’s a man with a plan: get Sabrina to fall in love with Alaska…and, hopefully, with him.


“What a pretty lake. I love that color. Somewhere between azure and lapis.”
“Looks blue to me.” Leith opened the tailgate to grab Tal’s leash and went around to let her out.
Sabrina turned, and her eyes widened as she looked at something over Leith’s shoulder. “Oh, a dog.” She trotted past him.
Leith looked up. Oh, nuts. “Sabrina, wait.” He pushed Tal back into the car before she could see what was going on and escalate the problem.
“I’m just going to check out that dog,” she called back to him. “There’s nobody else here. It must be a stray.”
“Don’t go any closer.” Leith slammed the door and hurried around the car after her. The dark gray animal at the edge of the woods startled and ran for a few steps before pausing to look toward Sabrina.
Sabrina slowed to a walk, creeping forward while gently crooning. “Here, pup. You’re a big guy. Are you lost? I think you’re wearing a collar. Do you have a microchip? I’ll bet your family is missing you.”
“Stop!” Leith finally yelled loud enough to get through to her. She turned. The creature at the corner of the parking lot looked toward him as well.
Sabrina scowled at him. “What? I just want to help that dog. He seems shy. I wonder if someone abandoned him.”

“The reason he’s shy around people is because he’s not a dog.” Leith grabbed her elbow and dragged her back toward the safety of the Land Cruiser. “He’s a wolf.”

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Once upon a time ...

when Beth Carpenter was a little girl, she read everything she could get her hands on, and entertained herself on the school bus by making up stories in her head. Not a lot has changed. She's still consuming books like M&Ms, and spends her days creating happily-ever-afters for her imaginary friends.

She lives in Alaska and Arizona with her husband and an aggressively affectionate fifty-pound lap dog. She loves to hear from readers.
Tour Schedule

January 21st:
Baroness Book Trove
It's All About the Romance
Reading Is My SuperPower
January 22nd:
underneath the covers
Book by Book
Mythical Books
The Power of Words
January 23rd:
Reading On The Edge
Declarations of a Fangirl
Thoughts of a Blonde
Hearts & Scribbles
E-Romance News
January 24th:
Rockin' Book Reviews
Kimber Li
Heidi Reads...
My Life Loves and Passion
January 25th:
Becky on Books
Locks, Hooks and Books
January 26th:
Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a book tote, a print copy of A GIFT HORSE by Beth Carpenter, and a $25 Amazon Gift Card

Prize open to US continental residents - If winner doesn’t have a US mailing address, the alternate prize is a $25 Amazon card and two e-books (A GIFT HORSE and THE ALASKAN CATCH).

Ends January 30, 2019

Grab Our Button!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Heart and Hand Book Tour

banner h&h (1)


Title: Heart & Hand Author: Rebel Carter Publisher: Siren Press Release Date: January 22, 2019 Genre: Historical Romance Editor: Squid & Ink Cover: Najla Qamber Designs

Anyone who was absolutely anyone knew the story of how Julie Anne Baptiste’s parents met: the blue-blood Union cavalry officer and the freed woman on her way North fell madly in love at first sight, all in the midst of the Civil War. It was legendary within New York City's Four Hundred, and from girlhood, Julie daydreamed of her finding own true love match. But now, as a well-seasoned debutante of twenty-one years, Julie only dreams of teaching and much prefers the vibrant world of her books over the company of society’s most eligible bachelors.
Julie is content to perform the role of affluent debutante until she realizes all of her tomorrows have horrifyingly become occupied by a gamut of social engagements, and they will remain so until she marries. Desperate and knowing only a wedding will put a stop to the madness of living as a debutante, Julie does the unthinkable: she responds to a mail order advert in the Heart and Hand Matrimonial Times. No longer a girl fantasizing of love, Julie did not anticipate forming a genuine romantic connection with the man she corresponds with, but when ex-Union soldier Forrest Wickes writes her, Julie loses her heart.
All seems well with Julie’s plan to leave the city and marry, until the society pages intercept one of her letters and within the hour all of New York knows of Julie’s decision to become a mail-order bride. However, the New York City society pages don’t know they only reported half the truth about Julie Baptiste. The debutante intends to marry not only Forrest Wickes but also his best friend, William Barnes. Her secret of taking two husbands safe, Julie sets out for the Montana Territory before the papers can learn the truth. But how will a debutante-turned-teacher manage frontier life with two husbands?



My inspiration for writing comes from all around me, overheard conversations, art that I see, lived experiences, snippets that I've read, songs I've heard, ect., and I know it helps me create a richer story for my reader. I have so many ideas swirling in my head, and I'm beyond excited to put them down on paper, or kindle, for y'all to read and love.
I've got an adventurous soul, and I've lived all over the world, Europe and Britain, not so much a fan (sorry!), to Asia, VERY MUCH A FAN. And after all the in-between, I ended up in Colorado, which I wouldn't trade for the world. For me, there is something magical about being able to view a snowcapped mountain while walking to work that sets my heart and creativity off like a firework. I hope that the stories I tell are able to give some of that magic back to you with every page turn.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Grande Finale Tour for Here Walk the Dead!

On tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Here Walk the Dead
By Brynn Chapman

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

The year is 1910, and Arabella Holmes has met her lifelong dream of becoming a purveyor of abnormal science for the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Philadelphia. But academics and forensics were never a problem for Bella. People. Navigating people and the nuances of relationships is far more vexing than any anatomical puzzle or mystery...

Mythical Books - Review

"...the author succeeded to get my attention with the main plot but also with the romantic aspects well embedded in the general flow of the story. . . . The pace is an allegro, but there are also scenes in adante and presto tempos, depending on their nature and purpose. As the whole, they support the increasing tension that culminates in a life and death situation. Casualties? Yes. The possibility of a new chapter? Yes, and I cannot wait to read it!"

Oh Hey! Books. - Interview

Did you ever have a rough patch in writing, where nothing in the story seemed to fit or make sense?

Writing, is rough. Period. I’ve never met a writer who didn’t have periods of extreme productivity, and then periods of desolation. For me, the words are never the issue, its whatever extraneously may be happening in my life that whisks me away from my inner vortex.

"It goes deeper into the relationship between Arabella and Henry and the book is also generally a bit darker with lunatic asylums, social darwnism and shady medical practices. . . . I might add that it's also a bit refreshing seeing characters with Aspergers written in a "proper" way and not being a comic stereotype."

"I enjoyed the banter/romance between Bella and Henry, and can see readers really enjoying this! . . . I’m so happy that I read this series!"

Kimber Li - Guest Post

For Fans of the BONESEEKER SERIES, Why the wait?

BONESEEKER was released several years prior, with accolades from NY TIMES BEST SELLER Grace Burrowes, “Meticulously researched and terrific fun!” and was that years winner of the Young Adult Golden Leaf Award. Then…..several years past….

Wishful Endings - Excerpt & Review

“Frostbite can occur at zero degrees within five minutes for the first stage, which results in pain and tingling and most likely a full recovery. The second degree, the body pulls blood away from the extremities, resulting in blisters that may harden and blacken.”

I then recall the moulages he crafted of stage-four frostbite. My heartbeat goes wild. “Find! Newton! Find!”

He yips.

Newton bounds out of sight, and we all stumble forward, awkwardly plowing through the gathering mounds of snow.

"HERE WALK THE DEAD is a thrilling ride as Bella and Henry try to fit into society's expectations while also trying to figure out why girls keep disappearing and where they go. Recommended to readers who enjoy gritty Gothic mysteries with sizzling romance."

A Visual Tour of Here Walk the Dead

In case you’re new to the series…here’s where we are.

Arabella Holmes—yes, daughter of that Holmes—wants to return to her job as a purveyor of abnormal science. She has temporarily been demoted to a botanist, until her love interest, Henry Watson—yes, that Watson—can help her get her less-than-professional outbursts in check. Henry is tired of his new role as doctor, tired of the lack of adventure, and tired of keeping Bella's escapades out of the papers. Five girls are missing. Gone from locked rooms in their own houses. Arabella and Henry are called upon to help solve the kidnappings, but all they unearth is more danger...

"a spellbinding adventure, with friends and fiends both old and new, embroiled in one over-arcing sinister plot. . . . Filled with thrills and chills and let's not forget about romance, fans of Sherlock Holmes will love the world this talented author has expanded upon. I adored the development of these characters and the way the plot echoed the struggles our heroes were going through. Excellently paced and rife with wit and charm, Boneseeker is a historical suspense series you will gladly sink your teeth into."


The Lost

The reek of chloroform.

I thrash, instinctively wrenching away from the stench of the cloying rag, but too late. There is a simultaneous prick and burn as a needle jabs the crook of my arm.

I’ve had too many inhalations. I battle my eyes open.

Two men rummage through my personal effects.

The carriage—gone. In an instant, I am slung over one of their backs, dangling limp as a child’s rag- doll.


I leave The Bell in Hand and stand stock-still in the middle of the road. The moon is white and full as a pearl, suspended in the black, sooty sky. I cannot go home and face my dreary one-room solitary confinement at the boarding house. Staring at the ceiling as the uninvited images of Arabella enter my weary mind.

That ruddy Englishman. He has ruined every plan I made. All I needed was time, first to befriend her. Then…

Sleep will not come, regardless, but…

Baroness Book Trove - Review & Interview

"Boneseeker: Here Walk the Dead by Brynn Chapman is a compelling novel. Very different from the first one but still very Sherlock Holmesy. His daughter though is at it again and getting things done her way. . . . I am still in love with Holmes and Watson the next generation. . . . I recommend this book to fans of Sherlock. It is a good read."

What was your favorite character to write and why?

Henry and Bella have been living in my head for a very long time now…so, just like my children, I love them for different reasons.

I love Henry for his heart, his compassion, and his fearlessness under fire. And his uncompromising love for Bella, no matter what the rest of the world thinks.

I love Bella for her complexity. Her innocence, and her pain, and her courage to continue to try to connect with Henry and others she loves, despite it being nearly unnatural for her.

"This is an eerie, compelling tale. . . .The characters are diverse, intriguing and the reader will feel involved in their lives. . . . it was a very captivating tale."

"Book two of the Booneseeker is even better than the first book! . . . The added characters are [just] as diverse and interesting as those in the previous novel. . . . The tale ends solidly, leaving the reader eager for more."

"This is one suspense filled and fun read. I had to have it read in one sitting. . . . I hope there will be another book in The Boneseeker Chronicles series. I enjoy catching up with Arabella and Henry and seeing what adventure they will get into next. They are quite the pair and I love how they interact with one another. . . . I recommend Here Walk the Dead, as well as, the beginning to this series, Boneseeker. "

Colorimetry - Guest Post


Setting. It matters.

As I write historicals, I do my utmost to visit if not the actual place, then a facsimile of it. There is not a substitute for experiencing the sights, smells and sounds of wherever a book takes place.

That goes for readers and well as writers. For HERE WALK THE DEAD, I toured an asylum in the state of West Virginia, twice...

"Here Walk the Dead is a wonderful follow-up to Boneseeker. . . . you are going to love Here Walk the Dead. . . . I love this story because it is super suspenseful, and much of the plot is historically accurate. . . . I highly recommend Here Walk the Dead and Boneseeker!"

Don't forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven't already...

Here Walk the Dead
(The Boneseeker Chronicles #2)
By Brynn Chapman
Historical Romantic Suspense, Gothic
Paperback & ebook, 250 Pages
January 14th 2019 by The Wild Rose Press, Inc

Arabella Holmes—yes, daughter of that Holmes—wants to return to her job as a purveyor of abnormal science. She has temporarily been demoted to a botanist, until her love interest, Henry Watson—yes, that Watson—can help her get her less-than-professional outbursts in check.

Henry is tired of his new role as doctor, tired of the lack of adventure, and tired of keeping Bella's escapades out of the papers.

Five girls are missing. Gone from locked rooms in their own houses. Arabella and Henry are called upon to help solve the kidnappings, but all they unearth is more danger.

Bella ventures undercover into a lunatic asylum, where a mute woman assaults her and scrawls the chilling words—Here the dead wake. Plus, a vial of Bella's research poison has gone missing. Bella and Henry must find it, and the missing girls, before charges can be brought against her.


"Dark twists and turns abound in this fast-paced and riveting gothic thriller. I consumed it in one sitting!" ~USA TODAY BESTSELLER, Lea Nolan
Other Books in the Series

(The Boneseeker Chronicles #1)
By Brynn Chapman
Historical Romantic Suspense, Gothic
Paperback & ebook, 213 Pages
January 10th 2018 by The Wild Rose Press, Inc

Aspiring scientist Arabella Holmes doesn't fit the role of a 1900s lady. Her father, Sherlock, landed her a position at the Mütter Museum to pursue her dream of becoming a purveyor of abnormal science, or what her father calls a "Boneseeker."

Henry Watson’s two-fold mission at the Mütter Museum is to join their team of forensic anthropologists in unearthing unusual antiquities and to watch over Arabella. If only he could get her to speak to him, instead of hurling knives in his general direction. Assigned to a most secret expedition to investigate a mysterious skeletal hand discovered in upstate New York, Arabella and Henry are soon caught in a scientific debate, and the search for the truth may have deadly consequences for those involved.

Are the bones from a Neanderthal? Or are they living proof of fallen angels known as Nephilim?

Watson and Holmes must put aside their differences, trust their instincts, and rely on one another to survive to uncover the truth.

*This is a new version of a previously published edition

Praise for BONESEEKER:

Winner of the New Jersey Romance Writers Golden Leaf Contest

"Creative, meticulously researched, and terrific fun!"  ~Grace Burrowes, NY Times Best Selling Author

"The characters, the setting, the descriptions and the mysteries and relationships all work together seamlessly to create a truly wonderful story that I completely adored." ~Best Books Ever Blog

"The settings are intriguing and the way they are described make you feel as if you are immersed in the story. I could feel the gloom and damp. That is rare in so many books! Boneseeker is a book I highly recommend, and I give it 5 stars!" ~Christy's Cozy Corners Blog

About the Author

Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, Brynn Chapman is the daughter of two teachers. Her writing reflects her passions: science, history and love--not necessarily in that order. In real life, the geek gene runs strong in her family, as does the Asperger's syndrome. Her writing reflects her experience as a pediatric therapist and her interactions with society's downtrodden. In fiction, she's a strong believer in underdogs and happily-ever-afters. Her ancestry tree claims she's a descendant of the House of Stuart.

Tour Giveaway

- GRAND PRIZE: One winner will receive a $10 Amazon eGift Card and a Print Copy of BONESEEKER
Two winners will receive an Audiobook of BONESEEKER
One winner will receive a Print Copy of BONESEEKER
- Open internationally
- Ends January 23, 2019

Grab Our Button!

Its the Grande Finale for No Safe Place! See what everyone thought and Enter the giveaway

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
No Safe Place
By Sherri Shackelford

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

Welcome to this blog tour! I'm excited to share the journey with you. My latest release is near and dear to my heart because this book starts a new adventure for me...

The Power of Words - Guest Post

Forensic Accounting
“Follow the Money”

Accounting might not seem dangerous, but hiding money is integral to nefarious activities. In the opening scene of Jack Ryan on Amazon, Jack is seen tracing the financial dealings of a suspected terrorist. What Jack discovers leads him on a harrowing adventure to the Middle East, but the spark of his investigation was a rather mundane series of financial transfers...

Splashes of Joy - Review

"I thoroughly enjoyed “No Safe Place” by Sherri Shakelford! I love fast pace detective stories and this one kept me on the edge of my to seat the entire time I was reading it. In fact, I read this one in one setting! . . . “No Safe Place” will take you on a wild and scary journey, through more horrific scenes than you want to think about, but in the end, it will leave you thinking about this book and the characters long after you finish reading."

Her heart racing, Beth took the stairs two at a time and pushed open the door to the parking garage. Only a couple other cars remained. Keeping her back straight and her gait purposeful, she crossed the distance.

The sound of her heels striking the concrete echoed through the cavernous, empty space. Pausing beside the car, she dug in her purse for her keys. Normally she kept them at the ready when exiting a parking garage. Corbin’s unexpected appearance upstairs had distracted her.

As she fumbled with her purse, she dropped the bag. “Calm down, Beth.”

"In my experience, this particular imprint is notorious for grabbing you by the throat straight-off the first page and never quite letting you feel released til you conclude the story! No Safe Place accomplishes this. . . . Ms Shackelford has a knack for Contemporary drama - she alights you inside her scenes with a certain kind of polish and flair for understanding the ready details you need to see in a scene to know its the modern era. . . I love finding Contemporary authors who are in-tune with this modern era and who can write realistic impressions of the people any of us could meet on the street."

Colorimetry - Guest Post

Homeland Security

The details are sketchy, and the government has been tight-lipped, but various reports have concluded that the worst cyberattack in US history started in a cybercafe in Afghanistan. An American Pentagon worker (presumably), using the internet services of a foreign café, picked up a ‘cyber worm’ on his computer. He then transferred data from the infected computer to a thumb drive. The virus hitched a ride. When that same thumb drive was plugged into the Pentagon computer system, the worm went wild...

"This is an action packed, suspenseful, romance novel you will not want to miss! . . . Each chapter leaves the reader anxious to discover, "What happens next?" . . . The characters seemed very real, and the scenes were well described so the reader felt he/she was a part of them."

Simply Kelina - Review

"I really enjoyed the writing style. This is not the first book written by the author, but it is the first within the suspense genre. I would not have known this while I was reading. I think she did a great job with the pacing and thrilling aspects of the story."

"Great tension between the characters, and a well paced plot, there is a lot going on. I liked the complexity of the plot perfect within this format, it fit well and kept me hooked, there was a lot going on but I never got lost. A book well worth reading, and great first foray into suspense for Ms. Shackelford!"

By The Book - Review

"If you are looking for an adrenaline-laced, romantic suspense to start off your reading new year, then you need to check out No Safe Place by Sherri Shackelford! This book has it all — engaging characters, danger and intrigue aplenty, and romantic sparks. . . . All in all this book would be a great companion for a weekend getaway or staycation. Suspense and HEA — what are you waiting for!"

Wishful Endings - Guest Post

My Favorite Suspense Books

Like many people, I got hooked on romantic suspense after reading the classic, Rebecca by Daphne DuMauier. Lately, I’ve been addicted to the Orphan X series by Gregg Hurwitz. Another favorite is Alex Kava, whose first book was set near where I live. The latest book I read was The Far Empty, by Scott J. Todd...

Heidi Reads... - Review

"This is my kind of suspense book. Not so intense that I'm biting off all my nails and can't go to sleep, but engaging and compelling and has me turning the pages to see what happens next. . . . This is a story that I didn't want to put down and felt that great feeling of satisfaction as I finished. Highly recommend to fans of light romantic suspense!"

Faithfully Bookish - Guest Post

Tips on Hiding

When I bought the book, Playing Dead: A Journey Through the World of Death Fraud, my husband was a little worried. The book was written by Elizabeth Greenwood, and I used her name as the inspiration for my heroine, Beth Greenwood.

The book is a fascinating look into the underground world of ‘making people disappear.’ Believe it or not, there’s an entire underground industry dedicated to helping people fake their death—should the need arise...

"I enjoyed No Safe Place. . . . Beth and Corbin’s story was one that kept me on the edge of my seat. I never knew where they would end up. I could not put the book down until the end."

Among the Reads - Review & Interview

"Sprinkling just enough wit throughout the story to keep it from being overly suspenseful, author Sherri Shackelford has Corbin and Beth fleeing from one place to another in an attempt to elude their pursuers. . . . Readers who enjoy authors such as Dana Mentink and Tanya Stowe are bound to enjoy this one as well. . . . I want to be sure to read more books by this author!"

Can you tell us a little about what inspired No Safe Place?

I really enjoy stories about regular people who are forced into extraordinary circumstances. I liked the idea of someone with a very ho-hum job in a boring office building who is thrown into incredible danger. I also like stories where people are ‘on the run’.

Book by Book - Review

"No Safe Place by Sherri Shackelford gives readers a quick, suspenseful (and romantic!) read, and I quite enjoyed it. . . . I recommend adding it to your TBR today!"

The Becca Files - Review

"Fast paced with plenty of action, No Safe Place was a rather quick read for me. I finished the whole book in just two sittings and in less than a day. It quickly grasped my attention and held me until the end. . . . I’d easily recommend it to fans of suspense."

EmpowerMoms - Review

"I absolutely loved it! . . . Great characters, great story line, clean romance. I highly recommend reading this suspenseful, action packed book! I read it in one night because I couldn’t put it down-it was awesome! I can’t wait to read more books by this author."

The accountant was running. Innocent people didn’t run. She’d been Corbin’s first suspect since her name had come up in the previous audit. Didn’t help that she’d spent the past week behaving like a textbook example of a guilty person. She was edgy and jumpy—rarely leaving her desk—even for meals. She didn’t want anyone messing with her computer. She didn’t want anyone to know what she was doing. Innocent people had nothing to hide.

Strike one.

Corbin pushed open the door to the garage, and his blood froze.

"I loved the page turning suspense and the push-pull of the romance. . . . This was a fast paced suspense with a good romance topped with relatable characters."

"Sherri Shackelford delivers up non-stop adventure and suspense in a race for survival that crosses state lines. . . . I really enjoyed this book and I am definitely looking forward to more exciting romantic suspense from this talented author."

Harlie's Books - Excerpt & Review

There was a bullet hole in the hood of his car, and the woman sitting next to him had become a liability to a terrorist cell laundering money. Corbin didn’t know the extent of her knowledge, and he wasn’t letting her out of his sight.

She raised the canister once more. “All right. But I have the pepper spray, remember?”

“I’m not likely to forget.” That stuff was potent. Residue had both their eyes watering in the confined space of the car. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I did save your life. A simple ‘thank you’ would suffice.”

"Corbin is a dream. He is definitely going on the book boyfriend shelf for me. . . . Beth is just one of those heroines that you truly root for in a book. . . . The plot itself is [relevant], very fast paced (love), realistic and interesting. Yes, interesting. . . . I really loved this book. Corbin and Beth stole my heart and I have a new author to read from a beloved Harlequin line."

"No Safe Place is a fast past and well written book. From beginning to end I found myself completely caught up in the lives of Beth Greenwood and Corbin Ross. . . . I thought this book had the perfect amount of suspense, well-developed characters and most important, a surprise and oh so sweet sending."

Beth shut the train’s inner door and tugged the curtains over the square window of her private 
roomette—a tiny space featuring two facing seats and an overhead bunk that pulled down. The heels finally chugged, and the train lurched. She exhaled her pent-up breath. As the station faded into the distance, her pulse gradually slowed to a normal rhythm.

An hour into the trip, she almost felt as though she could breathe normally again.

A knock on the door sent her heart leaping into her throat.

Remembrancy - Review

"Shackelford maintains a perfect balance of intense action and personal moments between Corbin and Beth, making their building attraction natural and authentic. . . . Corbin and Beth are people of faith with an inner strength that makes them do the right thing no matter the personal cost which had me rooting for them from the get-go. . . . I hope to see more romantic suspense reads from Shackelford in the (near) future."

Don't forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven't already...

No Safe Place
By Sherri Shackelford
Christian Romantic Suspense
Paperback & ebook, 224 Pages
January 1st 2019 by Love Inspired Suspense

He lives by the law.

She’s running for her life.

After forensic accountant Beth Greenwood uncovers a money-laundering scheme tying her company to the organization that murdered her mentor, she knows she needs to go into hiding. With ruthless killers in pursuit, she’s forced to rely on homeland security agent Corbin Ross’s protection—even as his investigation suggests Beth is complicit in embezzlement. Can their uneasy alliance develop into something deeper—and keep them alive?

About the Author

A former naval reservist with a top-secret security clearance, Sherri writes rapid-fire suspense featuring captivating characters and heart-pounding romance. She's authored more than a dozen novels for Harper Collins publishing, including both historical and contemporary suspense.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will win "A Little Bit More Romance Box," which includes the following items in a Decorative Box (pictured):
- Romance Bubble Bath
- Classic Cover Harlequin Notebook
- Collectible Addition Book of Romance Poems
- Romance Bath Bomb
- Scented Candle
- Fuzzy Socks
- Books: No Safe Place and His Substitute Mail-Order Bride by Sherri Shackelford, and Undercover Memories by Lenora Worth

US only
Ends January 23, 2019

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Friday, January 18, 2019

Release Blitz for Analiese Rising. Plus enter the giveaway!

Analiese Rising
Brenda Drake
Published by: Entangled: Teen
Publication date: January 8th 2019
Genres: Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult
Half-Blood meets Antigoddess in a thrilling, romantic new series from New York Times bestselling author Brenda Drake.
When a stranger gives Analiese Jordan a list of names before he dies, the last thing she expects to see is her own on it. Not. Cool. Her search for answers leads to the man’s grandson, Marek, who has dangerous secrets of his own. Both are determined to unlock the mystery of the list.
But the truth is deadly. Analiese is a descendant of the God of Death, known as a Riser, with the power to raise the dead and control them. Finding out she has hidden powers? Cool. Finding out she turns corpses into killers? No, thank you.
Now the trail plants her and Marek in the middle of a war between gods who apparently want to raise an army of the Risen, and Analiese must figure out how to save the world—from herself.
The classroom smells like a funeral home.
Hushed voices pulse over the pairs of students hunching over trays spaced across the counters. The odor of bodies fresh out of gym class mingles with the scent of formaldehyde.
Hair dampens at my temples. A crematory would be cooler.
Not many have finished their assignments. Only a few overachievers sit in the rows of empty desks on the other side of the room, their tasks completed, proud smiles on their faces.
Mrs. Cryer shuffles around the tables watching over us—a reaper waiting for lost souls, her bony finger pointing out errors. She shuffles around with purpose. She shuffles around without direction. Then she stops at our table, her eyes peering over reading glasses.
“Mr. Bove and Miss Jordan, you two are falling behind,” she says, a disapproving tsk in her voice. She only uses last names when she wants to emphasize her warning. “Best hurry before class ends.”
She continues shuffling around.
Biology is my least favorite class. Mrs. Cryer’s assignments are outdated. It’s her last year teaching, her retirement long overdue. Stern and direct, she’s not the sort of teacher I usually like, but I do. There’s an underlying kindness to Mrs. Cryer. A kindness hiding in her eyes, evident in her actions.
One of the things I like about my school: my brother, Dalton, is in the same grade. We’re not twins or anything. Actually, we’re cousins. His parents adopted me when mine were killed in a boating accident on Lake Como in Italy. I don’t remember them. I was two when that all went down.
The thing I hate about school: Dalton’s in my biology class.
“Come on, Ana.” Dalton slides the dissection tray closer to me. “I did all the setup. Just make the first cut.”
The little green body looks rubbery—almost fake—crucified to the tray with pins as it is. I push strands of dark hair from my face with a latex-gloved hand. I could’ve opted out of this barbaric ritual of separating body parts from an innocent frog.
Why did I even agree to this?

Author Bio:
Brenda Drake is a New York Times bestselling author of young adult fiction. She grew up the youngest of three children, an Air Force brat, and the continual new kid at school. Her fondest memories growing up is of her eccentric, Irish grandmother's animated tales, which gave her a strong love for storytelling. So it was only fitting that she would choose to write stories with a bend toward the fantastical. When she's not writing or hanging out with her family, she haunts libraries, bookstores, and coffee shops, or reads someplace quiet and not at all exotic (much to her disappointment).



Check out Destiny Fulfilled. Plus enter the giveaway

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