Thursday, July 30, 2015

Book Tour for A Pirate's Command

Title: A Pirate’s Command
Author: Meg Hennessy
Publisher: Entangled: Seclect Historical
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: Kindle 

His secrets could destroy her…

New Orleans, 1817

Colette Kincaid once knew such love and delicious passion in the arms of her pirate husband, Donato de la Roche. Yet Colette could not continue to live as the wife of a pirate, when reunited with her family. So she fled, taking their son with her and reconciling herself to never seeing her husband again…

Until their son is taken.

Donato is convinced his wife is behind his son’s disappearance-just as she is convinced he is the villain. Now they’re unable to leave each other’s side as they seek their child, forced to confront the desire that still smolders between them. But Donato knows that soon he must face the secret about Colette he’s been hiding for so long. And it’s a secret for which there is no forgiveness…


A Pirate’s Command is available for purchase at

Meg Hennessy read her first historical romance when Rosemary Rodgers’, Sweet Savage Love, swept the college campuses. She won’t admit how many years ago that was, but was forever hooked on the genre of happy-ever-afters. Meg grew up immersed in the culture of her father’s old Southern family and writes with a Southern flavor. It was her sense of wonderment when visiting her grandmother’s home as a child that now bubbles upward into her writing of today, creating steamy nights of intrigue and romance.

She had been writing for years, but seriously pursued publication in 2009. Seeking authenticity for her first novel, she researched hundreds of books, visited numerous battlefields, and toured antebellum homes. When it came to putting pen to paper, Meg found her story-telling voice, as her heroine simply stepped into Shadows of a Southern Moon,winning the 2010 EPIC Award for best Historical Romance and launching her writing career.

Meg lives amid the beautiful rolling hills of southeastern Wisconsin. Besides writing and spoiling her much-loved horse, she enjoys backyard birding, nature walks, and admits to being a gardening addict. Having spun stories for years, she enjoys seeing her dream come true as her characters spring to life and step within the beautifully bound pages of a romance novel.

For More Information

Visit Meg’s website.

July 28

Book featured at 3 Partners in Shopping

July 29

Book featured at In Our Spare Time

July 30

Book featured at My Life, Loves and Passions

July 31

Book featured at Undercover Book Reviews

August 3

Book featured at Sapphyria’s Book Blog

August 4

Guest blogging at Mythical Books

August 5

Book featured at Inner Goddess

August 6

Interviewed at Theresa M. Cole

August 7

Interviewed at Review From Here

August 10

Book featured at Chosen By You Book Club

August 11

Book featured at Mikky’s World of Books

August 12

Book reviewed at My Book Addiction and More

August 13

Guest blogging at Night Owl Reviews

August 14

Book featured at Born to Read Books

August 17

Guest blogging at Lisa Loves Books

August 18

Interviewed at I’m Shelf-ish

August 19

Book reviewed at Argiletum

August 20

Book featured at What is That Book About

August 21

Interviewed at Literal Exposure

August 24

Guest blogging at Bent Over Bookwords

August 25

Book reviewed at Harlie’s Books

August 26

Interviewed at The Writer’s Life

August 27

Book featured at The Literary Nook

August 28

Guest blogging at The Dark Phantom

Bigfoot Blues Interview and Blog Tour

About the Book:
Title: Bigfoot Blues
Author: Ricardo Sanchez
Publisher: Carina Press
Pages: 251
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Format: Kindle
She eloped with Bigfoot. Or maybe Bigfoot kidnapped her. Either way, I've been hired to uncover the truth behind Cindy Funk's disappearance. Me? I'm Floyd, and I'm a PI living my life as Elvis would have wanted. Not just in sequined jumpsuits. With character.
Cindy's trail leads me to River City, Oregon—aka the Mythical Creature Capital of the World—where I catch Case #2. This one from an eccentric billionaire who's lost a priceless piece of &art.& Enter one dead body and I end up deputized to solve Case #3, tracking down a man-eating mountain lion. Or maybe it's a chupacabra. Or just an ordinary murderer. Hard to say.
I've handled my fair share of crazy, but River City's secrets have me spooked. With an influx of tourists arriving for the town's annual Elvis tribute contest—what are the chances?—I've got to save the girl, solve the rich guy's problem and leash that chupacabra before a second body is discovered. It might just be mine.
Read more about Floyd's adventures in Elvis Sightings, available now!
For More Information
Bigfoot Blues is available at Amazon.
Pick up your copy at Barnes & Noble.
Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I was seven. I’d just seen Star Wars and proceeded to immediately start working on fan fiction for all my action figures. Of course, my parents and teachers would say that I wanted to be a story telling long before that. I had a habit of coming up with some pretty tall tales – not to get out of trouble or anything, just to make stuff more interesting – and trying to pass them off as real. Although I still say I want to be a writer. I’m not quite comfortable saying I’m one yet. When people say “writer” I think Asimov, Christie and Hammett. At some level I know that yes, I’m a writer, I’ve published books, but I still don’t feel like one. I could probably publish fifty books and still not feel like one yet.

How long does it take you to write a book?
Elvis Sightings, my first novel, took, off and on, 20 years. Although I was only serious about it for 3. Bigfoot Blues, the sequel, took 8 months from when I started typing to when my editor said “We’re done!” I’m very deadline oriented, without one I have a hard time staying on track. I’m working on a zombie novel now (it’s not post-apocalyptic) that has no hard deadline. I’ll probably be ready to show it to somebody after a year of work. So my time to completion is getting a LOT better.
What do you like to do when you're not writing
I used to do lots of stuff, but writing actually occupies most of my free time these days. But when I can’t face the keyboard, I love movies. I have a nearly encyclopedic knowledge of certain genres: B-movies, samurai, sci-fi, fantasy, and classics. But when I’m on vacation – I read. I have a list of about two hundred books I still want to read. I also spend a lot of time hunting for Halloween decorations. I have a “problem” with them.

What inspired you to write your first book?
I’ve wanted to be a novel writer practically my whole life but put it off for one reason or another. I still wrote things – comic books, plays, screenplays, tech articles – but I just never forced myself to sit down and finish writing a book. Then, one day, I had a birthday. And while time wasn’t really running out, not yet, it was a high enough number where I said to myself, time to finish that book. I did mention I’m very deadline oriented?

What books have influenced your life most?
There is one book to rule them all – The Hobbit. I’m cribbing a bit from Lord of the Rings, I know, but the ring shows up first in The Hobbit. Before I’d read Tolkien, all the books I’d consumed were pretty standard children’s fare. But a wonderful teacher put The Hobbit in my hands, and gave me a deadline for finishing it, and my whole idea of what was in a book just changed. The cliché about it opening up a new world was absolutely true in my case. What made The Hobbit so influential, is that from there, I went on to Andre Norton, Roger Zelazney, Robert Heinlein, and a whole litany of fantasy and sci-fi writers, one of whom was Isaac Asimov, another writer who expanded my range of reading when I stumbled across an article he’d written about pulp sci-fi. So I went and read the really old stuff and LOVED it. So I tried pulp crime. Which led to Chandler and Hammett which led to Doyle, then Poe, who helped me transition to horror and Lovecraft, who, oddly, segued to Christie. And the chain keeps going. But it all started with The Hobbit. If I hadn’t read that particular book at that exact time, I’m not sure if my love for the written word would have exploded like it did.

What was the hardest part of writing your book?
The writing. I can spend forever plotting things, thinking up scenes, tinkering with my computer, re-organizing my working space and generally doing anything but the writing. Which is weird, because I love writing. And I’m a much more genial person when I’m doing it. But without that deadline to drive me, actually forcing myself to sit down start typing is HARD! I’ve had to give myself a rule that I will write 500 words a day no matter what. Even if I have to delete them tomorrow. Because a lot of the time that 500 becomes a few thousand and I get closer to writing the end.

About the Author
Ricardo Sanchez is a writer, toy buff, and lifelong comic book fan.

Elvis Sightings, the first novel in his Elvis Sightings Mysteries series, was released in September , 2014. Bigfoot Blues, the follow up, was released in May, 2015.
Ricardo has written several books for DC Comics, including Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight, Teen Titans Go! and Resident Evil among many others. His original project, A Hero’s Death, was a successful Kickstarter released in May, 2015.

In addition to writing, Ricardo is an Emmy award winning video and animation producer. When he’s not writing, Ricardo maintains a vintage toy blog, drives 70's muscle cars, and shops year round for Halloween decorations for his home in California.
For More Information
Visit Ricardo Sanchez’s website.
Connect with Ricardo on Facebook and Twitter.
Find out more about Ricardo at Goodreads.

Promo for Opposing the Cowboy

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Book Title: Opposing the Cowboy 
Author: Margo Bond Collins 
Genre: Contemporary 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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Book Blurb

Never trust a good kisser…

Yoga teacher LeeAnn Walker has no desire to see the unspoilt beauty of her grandmother's ranch violated by a greedy oil company. But unless she finds the paperwork confirming she owns the mineral rights, that's exactly what could happen. The worst part? The guy spearheading the whole mess is none other than the hot and sexy stranger LeeAnn just kissed to make her ex jealous.

Jonah Hamilton thought his day was looking up until he found out the gorgeous blonde who kissed the hell out of him is the same stubborn woman he came to town for. And she’s not too happy to find out she might be forced to allow drilling on her land.

But Jonah has a job to do, even if LeeAnn tempts him to turn his professionalism into something much more personal…


Fifteen minutes later, armed with a brand-new pair of gardening shears, the two women stood in the alley behind the diner.

LeeAnn crouched down low and peered around the corner. Catching a glimpse of movement near the green pickup, she ducked back behind the brick wall again.

“I really think this is a bad idea,” Kylie hissed from behind her.

“No, it’s not,” LeeAnn said, trying to keep her voice to a whisper. “Those things are offensive. Seriously, what man in his right mind hangs plastic testicles off the trailer hitch of his truck?” She didn’t give Kylie a chance to respond before continuing. “I’ll tell you who. A rude, sexist, obnoxious jerk whose truck takes the place of any real masculinity he might have. That’s who.” By the time she finished her mini rant, her voice had risen to something below a shout.

Kylie slapped at her back. “Would you shut up, please? If you’re really going to do this, just go, already.”

Nodding, LeeAnn hefted the garden shears in one hand. “I still say we should have tried to find some real bolt cutters.”

“I think those might be illegal,” her friend said.

“And I think that Truck Nutz ought to be outlawed, too.” Standing up straight, LeeAnn put her back against the wall. This time, there was no movement when she looked out at the truck. “Okay,” she said. “You come with me and keep an eye out.”

The two of them scuttled out from behind the building and into the parking lot, dashing from car to car to avoid the yellow pools of light under the lampposts dotting the pavement.

When they reached the pickup, LeeAnn crouched down and grabbed Kylie’s hand, dragging the shop owner down beside her. “Look at these,” she hissed, gesturing at the dangling ornament. “They’re tacky and disgusting.”

“I’ve changed my mind,” Kylie said. “I don’t want to do this. I think castrating someone else’s truck might be even more illegal than carrying bolt cutters.”

“You know he thinks they make him manlier.” LeeAnn centered the shears on the coated wire that attached the offending decoration to the hitch.

“And Cole will never let me hear the end of it if we get caught.” Kylie began chewing on her bottom lip—a nervous habit she’d had for as long as LeeAnn had known her.

“He’s. Better. Off. Without. Them.” Tiny grunts punctuated each word as LeeAnn began applying pressure to the shears, working to force them through the wire.

“We’ll end up in the tabloids again.” Clasping her hands together, Kylie rocked back and forth slightly. “I can see the headlines: Cole Grayson’s Girlfriend Arrested for Emasculating a Truck.”

“There,” LeeAnn said triumphantly. “One wire down, one to go.”

“That’s it. I’m going to jail,” Kylie whispered.

With a slight thunk, the shears severed the second wire, and the flesh-colored object fell into LeeAnn’s waiting palm. “Gross,” she said.

Meet the Author

Margo Bond Collins writes urban fantasy, contemporary romance, and paranormal mysteries. She lives in Texas with her daughter and several spoiled pets. Although writing fiction is her first love, she also teaches college-level English courses online. She enjoys reading romance and paranormal fiction of any genre and spends most of her free time daydreaming about heroes, monsters, cowboys, and villains, and the strong women who love them—and sometimes fight them.
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Shaytan book tour with my review

About the Book:
Title: Shaytan: A Journey Into Evil
Author: David S. Arthur
Publisher: Brighton Publishing LLC
Pages: 395
Genre: Adventure/Thriller

Fans of SHAYTAN–A JOURNEY INTO EVIL are already expressing excitement and fascination for the new book, among them Tom Wright, prominent American film and television director (NCISSupernaturalCastle). “Man you really get into it! The cobra scene scared the @#$% out of me. This is Spielberg on steroids.”
Seeking relief from the devastation of post-war Britain, Richard and Emily Quizzenbury embark on a tour of India.  They plan to initially spend a week in Bombay with Richard’s old Oxford chum, Victor Bloodworth, after which they will satisfy their appetite for adventure by exploring historical sites throughout the Indian subcontinent.
On their first night in Bombay, Victor informs the Quizzenburys that he has been asked to undertake the hunt for a man-eating leopard that has been terrorizing the inhabitants in a remote
area of the Indian Central Provinces. Victor is the illegitimate son of a wealthy Englishman, now deceased, who was by trade a legendary big game hunter. While Victor has long since rejected his father’s brutal profession, he is himself a skilled hunter and reveals his intent to help the people who are being threatened by the leopard. Although the villagers of the region believe the man-eater is a demon that they call Shaytan, Victor is convinced the leopard is actually being forced to prey on humans due to injury or old age. He wants to capture the animal alive and relocate it to a zoo for scientific study.
Quite unexpectedly, Victor invites the Quizzenburys to accompany him on the hunt, explaining that his uncle and spiritual mentor, Ashok Kahn of the Forest Guard, will join them as an expert Shikari guide. The Quizzenburys reluctantly agree, hoping Victor will be able to capture the beast as quickly as he anticipates, so they can be free to pursue their travels. However, the hunt for the leopard soon escalates into a terrifying struggle for survival during which many innocent lives are lost, as the hunters – and the Quizzenburys – become the hunted.

For More Information
Shaytan: A Journey Into Evil is available at Amazon.
Pick up your copy at Barnes & Noble.
Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.
My Review
Richard and Emily are out hunting a killer. They join Victor as the are thrust into this unknown world. Gods, aliens and a killer that no one knows much about.
this to me felt like one of the most Sci first books I have read in awhile. It has very interesting story and you have to pay close attention in the book to follow along.
I loved the characters and it is easy to get sacked into the story and realize hours have passed and you have not moved.

About the Author
David S. Arthur is an American novelist with a taste for international adventure and ancient history. THE KINGDOM OF KEFTIU: A MYSTERY OF THE ANCIENT WORLD was David’s first book to feature English historical sleuth, Richard Quizzenbury and his feisty wife, Emily. It is an archaeological adventure set in the Greek islands. His new novel, SHAYTAN–A JOURNEY INTO EVIL, continues the Quizzenbury Adventure series. Before focusing on fiction writing, David enjoyed a long and rewarding career as a writer, producer, and director of hundreds of film and digital video presentations, theatrical performances, concerts, and large scale audience events. David currently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
For More Information
Visit David S. Arthur’s website.
Connect with David on Facebook and Twitter.
Find out more about David at Goodreads.
Contact David.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Blog tour for Relinquished

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Jules Donovan has been in and out of unsavory foster homes and repulsive motels her entire life. She’s known nothing but loss, abandonment, crime, and pain. Now that she's aged out of the system, she can’t remember ever having dreams for her future because she’s constantly fighting for daily survival.
When she meets the Riley brothers, there’s something about them that draws her in. She’s never let her guard down, but Dante and Holden make her feel valuable, like she actually matters. And for the first time in her life, she senses something she’s never experienced before—protection. But can these mysterious brothers keep her safe from the dark monsters that lie in wait, ready for their final revenge? And how in the hell does older brother Dante know so much about her anyway? Unbeknownst to her, things have been set in motion ever since she was ripped from her mother’s womb and, as each jagged piece of her life unfolds, she will begin to wonder, who’s really in charge of her fate? **TRIGGER WARNING...this novel contains non-explicit scenes of abuse. There is strong language throughout. Relinquished is intended for mature readers**
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Kimi Flores/K.A. Hunter lives in Southern California with her husband, who happened to be her high school sweetheart and prom date and their two hilarious boys. When she's not reading, writing, or hanging out with family and friends, Kimi spends her time in the kitchen trying to come up with vegan meals that don't taste like cardboard. Volunteering is extremely important to her, and she and her family work with several local non-profit organizations. A portion of her sales will always go to charity. Currently, she writes contemporary romance stories under her real name Kimi Flores and grittier romantic suspense novels under her pen name K.A. Hunter.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Ben's School Daze book tour and Review

About the Book: 

Title: Ben’s School Daze
Authors: Robyn Sims and Joanne Larcom
Publisher: Peence & Rogue Designs Pty Ltd
Pages: 28
Genre: Children’s Picture Book 

This is a story about Ben, a lively and active boy, who finds the sensory experiences within his day to be overwhelming.

Loud noises vibrate through his body and “shoes and sock bother him.. they never feel just right”.

This can make it hard for Ben to be a good student. But don’t worry, his teacher and mum know what to do to help him through his day. 

For More Information 

Ben’s School Daze is available at the authors’ website.
Watch the book trailer at YouTube.
Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.

My Review
This was a very sweet book. I liked how there is a book that explains to kids why some might act different. I loved how there was a page with words than a picture to go with it. It made it easier to explain to my kids. We were able to use this to talk about how some people act different and how we should try and help them be more comfortable.
I really loved this book and hope that many more people are able to use this book to teach their kids.

About the Authors

Robyn Sims is a paediatric occupational therapist who works in private practice with many children with sensory processing challenges. She is co-director of Magnetic Moves and co-presents workshops on SPD.

Joanne Larcom is a mother to four beautiful children, one of whom has sensory processing challenges. She is co-director of Magnetic Moves and presents workshops on SPD with Robyn.

Their latest book is the children’s picture book, Ben’s School Daze.

For More Information

Visit the authors’ website.
Connect with the authors on Facebook and Twitter.
Contact the authors.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Book Tour for The Obsidian Temple. Plus my review!

Title: The Obsidian Temple
Author: Kelley Grant
Publisher: Harper Voyager Impulse
Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy
Format: Kindle 

After a harrowing escape to the desert, Sulis Hasifel finds her calling is not yet fulfilled. Traveling to the Obsidian Temple—the site of an ancient divine battle—Sulis is tasked with mentoring Ava, a young girl with a troubled past. Together, they join a group of magically gifted warriors to re-make the very fabric of the universe. But the fate of the world hinges on whether Ava can harness her power, and some trials cannot be overcome.
Returning to Illian, Sulis’s twin Kadar finds that his lover, Farrah, has abandoned their newborn daughter for the revolutionary cause. Not willing to give up his dream of a family, Kadar vows to stay by Farrah’s side. But when he finds that Farrah is willing to anger the gods to aid the Forsaken caste’s uprising, and as she steps farther down a violent and dark path, Kadar must decide if he will help her…or let the world spin out of control.

In this mesmerizing sequel to Desert Rising, Kelley Grant brings us back to the cities of Illian and Shpeth, drawing her epic fantasy tale closer to the trilogy’s stunning conclusion.


The Obsidian Temple is available for purchase at


My Review
This book is a sequel.
It follows twins Sulis and Kadar. Sulis travels to the Temple to mentor Ava. But Ava needs to control her powers and it is not going well.
Kadar finds Farrah and he wants to stay with her, but she is not the same. She abandons their daughter to help the enemy. This leaves Kadar in a very hard spot.
I liked the characters. I wish that I could have read the first book so that I was not as confused. It is an intense sci fi book that will make your want to finish the trilogy.

Kelley Grant grew up in the hills of Ohio’s Amish country. Her best friends were the books she read, stories she created and the forest and fields that inspired her. She and her husband live on a wooded hilltop and are owned by five cats, a dog and numerous uninvited critters. Besides writing, Kelley teaches yoga and meditation, sings kirtan with her husband, and designs brochures and media.

For More Information

Visit Kelley at her website

Friday, July 24, 2015

Book Spotlight for Outside!

Meet Lincoln Savage in this perfect summer read. Are you ready for rock stars, surf and second chances in 

Outside by Michelle Mankin?

NOW AVAILABLE at the following retailers: 

Barnes & Noble:


When handsome California surf god Lincoln Savage suddenly rolls into Ocean Beach like a rogue wave, shy beauty Simone Bianchi’s foundation is shaken. No longer under the thumb of her domineering father, she’s made a simple quiet life for herself and her fluffy fourteen pound Havanese pup running a surf shop in her hometown of OB. Long ago she gave up her dreams for a future with Linc.

But now the notorious lead singer of the Dirt Dogs has returned, and Simone is reluctant to admit that she’s still vulnerable to his killer dimpled smile and easy charm. She finds that although she’s stowed away the mementos, it hasn’t been as easy to erase the memories of their epic summer love.

It seems he hasn’t forgotten, either.

Is the recording contract he’s offering merely a pretense?

Or does he have something more in mind?

Does he really believe that they can just pick up where they left off, despite all the bad luck and heartache?

And is she willing to risk everything again for one last chance at love?


“Dammit, Mona.” I leaned in closer inhaling her sweet scent and nearly brought to my knees with desire. I wanted to have her. Right here. Right now. I had to curl my fingers into fists to keep from reaching out, grabbing her and reminding her how it used to be between us. Her lids lowered and her breathing turned ragged. Was she remembering, too, or trying to forget?

“Go away, Linc.” Apparently the latter.

“Maybe I can’t,” I admitted my voice raspy with stripped down need. “Maybe I don’t want to.”

“Don’t.” She closed her eyes and her chin dropped. “Don’t do this to me.” She wet her lips. They visibly trembled. Even though I knew I had upset her I still wanted to kiss them. “I’m not one of your groupies easily flattered by your bullshit. The fact that you’re a big rock star doesn’t impress me. I know who you really are Lincoln Savage. I’ve seen you at your best and I’ve survived you at your worst. So don’t think you can come here and play games with me.”

 About the Author:
The bestselling author of the Black Cat Records series of novels.
Romance with subtext.
Reimagining classic stories with sexy rock stars and thought provoking issues.
Love Evolution, Love Revolution, and Love Resolution are a BRUTAL STRENGTH centered trilogy, combining the plot underpinnings of Shakespeare with the drama, excitement, and indisputable sexiness of the rock 'n roll industry.
Things take a bit of an edgier, once upon a time turn with the TEMPEST series. These pierced, tatted, and troubled Seattle rockers are young and on the cusp of making it big, but with serious obstacles to overcome that may prevent them from ever getting there.
Rock stars, myths, and legends collide with paranormal romance in a totally mesmerizing way in the MAGIC series.
When Michelle is not prowling the streets of her Texas town listening to her rock music much too loud, she is putting her daydreams down on paper or traveling the world with her family and friends, sometimes for real, and sometimes just for pretend as she takes the children to school and back.


Gnarly Surf Themed Prize Pack including:

A Fiery Orange Striped Roxy Beach Towel 

A signed paperback of Outside, an OB surf sticker, 

Need It Now Roxy Palm tree printed Linen Beach Tote 

in seafoam green to carry all of it. 

(Value of $125)

Check out Destiny Fulfilled. Plus enter the giveaway

Destiny Fulfilled Laire McKinney Publication date: August 7th 2018 Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance Only love can save them… W...