Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Day 2: The Turncoat King by Michelle Diener

On tour with Prism Book Tours

The Turncoat King
(The Rising Wave, #1)
By Michelle Diener
Fantasy, Romance
Paperback, Audiobook & ebook, 312 Pages
January 12, 2021 by Eclipse

A thirst for revenge . . . Ava is committed to vengeance against the man responsible for the death of her parents. The same man, the Queen's Herald, kept her prisoner for two years, until she escaped with Luc, a warlord bent on vengeance just as fierce as her own. He's forged a powerful army of people from all through the region, called the Rising Wave, to march on the Kassian royal family and smash its corrupt power under the weight of their anger. But for Luc, just as for Ava, his true motive is a lot more personal.

A hidden magic . . . Luc suspects Ava has magical abilities, suspects he's benefited greatly from them, but he's no stranger to the burdens of power, and he's prepared to let her tell him in her own time—after all, she's his heart's choice and he will give her all the time she needs. Except time is running out for both of them. As they near the Kassian stronghold, forces from within their own camp and without will use every trick they have to stop both Luc and Ava and tear them apart.

A secret laid bare . . . Luc knows Ava has a secret she's keeping from him—but what he doesn't realize is she has many. And when those secrets are exposed, everyone will have to grapple with the consequences. Ava is prepared to sacrifice her happiness and even her life to save the Rising Wave and Luc—but she would prefer to use her heart and her head to outwit her enemies instead.

Author's note: The Rising Wave series begins with a prequel novella, The Rising Wave. It isn't necessary to have read The Rising Wave to enjoy The Turncoat King, but it will give readers a better grounding in the world of the story.

(Affiliate link included.)


The guard assigned to lead them to the Skäddar warrior paused to speak to someone in low tones. When he turned back to Luc and Dak, he was grinning.

“The Skäddar warrior is this way. He's sparring with one of our best fighters and we're hoping he wins.” His smile widened as he led the way.

“Why are you hoping he defeats one of your own?” Dak asked.

“Because she's from the mountain border with Skäddar, and has been teasing us steppe-dwellers about how the highlanders are superior. It will be very good to see someone land her on her arse.”

“None of you have been able to?” Dak lifted his brows.

The guard gave a grunt. “Not yet.”

Luc could tell they were close to the sparring match. The sound of cheers and whistles started up, and ahead of them was a circle of soldiers, all looking inward.

The guard led them around the side, to where the crowd wasn't as thick.

The sun had almost completely set, so two torches had been driven into the ground to illuminate the fighting ring, and the opponents were already circling each other.

The man was obviously Skäddar. Luc had met only a few of the northern dwellers before, but they all had markings on their faces like this one.

The Venyatux highlander was much smaller than her opponent, and had her back to them.

Luc felt the air freeze in his chest and throat as he recognized her hair first—a little longer than it had been since he'd last seen her a month ago but still much shorter than everyone else's.


Excerpted from The Turncoat King by Michelle Diener. Copyright © 2021 by Michelle Diener. Published by Eclipse.

About the Author

Michelle Diener is the bestselling, award-winning author of historical, fantasy and science fiction romance novels. Having worked in publishing and IT, she’s now very happy crafting new worlds for her readers to escape into. She lives in Australia with her husband and children.
Tour Schedule
(Posts go live on the day they're scheduled.)

November 28th: Launch
November 29th: Elayne Audrey Becker - Forestborn
November 30th: Michelle Diener - The Turncoat King
December 1st: Jes Drew - Agents Adam and Eve
December 2nd: Sharon Hinck - Windward Shore
December 3rd: Kara Linaburg - The Broken Prince
December 4th: Cathy McCrumb - Recorder
December 5th: Sandra Fernandez Rhoads - Realms of Light
December 6th: Chawna Schroeder - The Vault Between Spaces
December 7th: Melissa Wright - Beneath Stone and Sacrifice
December 8th: Kristen Young - Elite
December 9th: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $50 (USD) Amazon eGift Card

Open internationally
Ends December 13, 2020

Grab Our Button!

Monday, November 29, 2021

Day one: Forestborn with Elayne Audrey Becker

On tour with Prism Book Tours

(Forestborn, #1)
By Elayne Audrey Becker
Young Adult Fantasy
Hardcover, Paperback & ebook, 368 Pages
August 31, 2021 by Tor Teen

A young, orphaned shapeshifter in a world that fears magic must risk everything if she hopes to save her only friend in Elayne Audrey Becker's Forestborn, first in a new fantasy series with a timeless feel.


Rora is a shifter, as magical as all those born in the wilderness―and as feared. She uses her abilities to spy for the king, traveling under different guises and listening for signs of trouble.

When a magical illness surfaces across the kingdom, Rora uncovers a devastating truth: Finley, the young prince and her best friend, has caught it, too. His only hope is stardust, the rarest of magical elements, found deep in the wilderness where Rora grew up―and to which she swore never to return.

But for her only friend, Rora will face her past and brave the dark, magical wood, journeying with her brother and the obstinate, older prince who insists on coming. Together, they must survive sentient forests and creatures unknown, battling an ever-changing landscape while escaping human pursuers who want them dead. With illness gripping the kingdom and war on the horizon, Finley’s is not the only life that hangs in the balance.

(Affiliate link included.)


Finley’s eyes are glazing over, far too fast, the pupils dilating as if he’s concussed. He shakes his head, holds out a hand, clutches mine when I step close to steady him. “I think—”

“Finley!” I cry, catching him when his knees suddenly give way. I’m dismayed at how easy it is to support his weight, considering he’s only one year younger than me. Or two, or three. It’s all a guess, really. “Fin, talk to me,” I say, my heart flinging itself wildly against my ribcage as I watch his eyes lose focus once more. His hand loosens its grip on mine, and both of us sink to the forest floor.

“Let him go,” I beg, bending over the body gone rigid, the heaving chest, the quivering, waxen skin. Alarm bells are screaming through my head, loud as the clocktower tolling the hour, and with them, the tingling in my core returns. Threads of numbness engulf my limbs. Fur along my back, then feathers all over—my body torn between the urge to hide or to flee, far away from this scene I never saw coming. “Please. Not him, too.”

I ignore the gathering sounds of creaking, groaning wood overhead with a vengeance. Tears are welling in my eyes, but I blink them away and shake my head, refusing to let them fall. Refusing because this day of truth has always been tainted by lies, so what’s one more to add to the tally? In the darkening wood, I set each one before me, all of the lies I reach for when the nightmares, the dirty looks, the hidden scars and endless self-loathing begin to drag me under—that my mother loved me before she left me, that my brother and I are not a curse, that I can be good and selfless and worthy of love in spite of the things I’ve done. I assemble them all, then set one more on the shelf: that my best friend, my only true friend aside from Helos, isn’t dying.

But the trees around me, leaves and branches straining against their holds, limbs pointing to Finley like a circle of swords—the trees all tell a different story.

Excerpted from Forestborn by Elayne Audrey Becker. Copyright © 2021 by Elayne Audrey Becker. Published by Tor Teen.

Other Books in the Series

(Linked to an Amazon affiliate link.)

About the Author

ELAYNE AUDREY BECKER (she/her) is a storyteller with a passion for history, myth, mountains, and magic. She holds a B.A. from Vassar College and a master of science from the University of Aberdeen, and she has worked as an editor at a New York publisher. Born and raised in Georgia, she grew up with a lake and woods as her backyard, spending long days outside and visiting national parks with her family. Forestborn is her first book.
Tour Schedule
(Posts go live on the day they're scheduled.)

November 28th: Launch
November 29th: Elayne Audrey Becker - Forestborn
November 30th: Michelle Diener - The Turncoat King
December 1st: Jes Drew - Agents Adam and Eve
December 2nd: Sharon Hinck - Windward Shore
December 3rd: Kara Linaburg - The Broken Prince
December 4th: Cathy McCrumb - Recorder
December 5th: Sandra Fernandez Rhoads - Realms of Light
December 6th: Chawna Schroeder - The Vault Between Spaces
December 7th: Melissa Wright - Beneath Stone and Sacrifice
December 8th: Kristen Young - Elite
December 9th: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $50 (USD) Amazon eGift Card

Open internationally
Ends December 13, 2021

Grab Our Button!

Friday, November 26, 2021

Golden Crown book blitz

Golden Crown
Kathleen Mare’e
(Arthur Academy, #2)
Publication date: November 26th 2021
Genres: New Adult, Romance

“If the world is full of monsters, how do we know who wears the crown…”


In the dark of the night he bared his soul, delivering a shocking event that should’ve changed everything.

So why in the light of day, does everything appear the same…?

The further I’m immersed in this world he calls the ‘elite’, the more I don’t understand. And it’s not only his world I’m afraid I’m falling for, but the Golden Crown himself as well.

But Pax still has secrets.

And I want him to trust me, like a flame wanting fire.

Because despite his world being nothing as it seems, I’m not sure I could walk away even if I wanted to.

Because the truth be told, I don’t want to

I want him.
In the dark of the night I revealed a truth, delivering the brutal reality of what the elite really means.

So why in the light of day, does everything appear the same…?

It’s the same cat and mouse games, and the same political, power tricks where the Golden Crown is all they see. It’s all they want to see.

Except for her.

But there are things I can’t tell her. Things I don’t think she’ll understand yet.

And I need her to trust me, like a fire needing flame.

Because despite me knowing what this world does to those who fall victim to it, I’m not sure I could walk away from Hendrix, even if I wanted to.

Because the truth be told, I don’t want to

I want her.

Goodreads / Amazon


I took my lip beneath my teeth before opening my soul up as much as I was capable of. The words I were about to ask, meant more to me than she would ever know.

“I need you to trust me.”

I held my breath. Ready to wait for her reply but was surprised at how fast it actually flew from her mouth.

“I do.”

I stilled. “What? You trust me?”

I didn’t believe it. I was almost angry at Hendrix’s answer.

How could she trust me after everything I’ve put her through?

Everything I’ve hidden. It didn’t make any sense.

What also made no sense was her reaction either because she shook her head before taking a seat on the edge of her bed (which was too far away from me) where she played with the hem of her tee that was resting on her lap.

“Crazy huh? That I trust you. But… I can’t explain why I do. I’ve just always….”

“You’ve always what?”

She glances up, piercing my heart with her hazel eyes honing in on me with so much raw emotion. “I’ve always…” she starts, before seemingly coming to some realisation within herself. “When I was younger… I always sensed when things were wrong you know? Like that sixth sense that something bad was about to happen, or when danger was nearby. Even when I was too young to really understand my situation, I always knew deep down the kind of dangerous situation I was in. That it wasn’t normal. Well, it wasn’t everyones normal at least. I don’t expect you to understand, but I’m sure from those photos you saw that you have some idea of what I grew up in.” She pauses and my fists ball at the reminder instantly. I don’t have time to let that anger consume me though before she continues. “But I’ve just always trusted my instincts. They’ve never let me down and I guess in a lot of ways I’ve relied on it since I had no actual family to have my back. And…” she pauses again, nervously this time, when she notices me taking slow, measured steps toward her.

“And….?” I whisper, until I’m standing over her causing her head to tilt back to look up at me.

“And my gut? For some reason it trusts you Paxton. Despite you making me nervous, despite the things you say and the things you do. I feel safe around you. Protected. Like the only person capable of hurting me when you’re near – is no one else. Only…. you.”

My hand finds her cheek, letting her warmth seep into my palm. A palm, that was capable of so much destruction. So much hurt. But everything she just said was true. Because I’d always had this sense to protect her, like somehow our souls recognised the pain and destruction we both endured in our lives and wanted to somehow heal together. In most of our time together though, I wanted to protect her from me too. But this girl….

I held her as delicately as a guy like I could, when she gave me something of hers that was beyond precious. Her trust. I almost couldn’t believe she was giving it to me but it was something I was determined to keep. No matter the cost.

“You never asked me you know.”

“I never asked you what?”

“If I had something to do with… You never asked me.”

Her small fingers wrap around my wrist that’s still cupping her cheek and her eyes never sway from mine. “I may not know everything about you Pax, but I know you aren’t capable of something like that. I’ve been around monsters my entire life and you aren’t one. You’re not.”

I suck in a breath, wanting so much more in this moment when I breathe, “You called me Pax.”

She tilts her head, a knowing smirk crossing her delicate face. “It’s your name isn’t it?”

“I guess I like how it sounds coming from you.”

Then for the first time in a long time, I let myself feel…

Author Bio:

Kathleen grew up in the south-western suburbs of Sydney, where family holidays by the beach and tormenting her two younger brothers, was how she spent her early years. But at the young age of 11, when she submitted a short story to a talented writing competition through the NSW schools program, not only did she win it, but she quickly found a love for it as well.

Throughout her schooling, writing was a hobby, along with sketching and various sports. But fast forward to her adult years when she moved to Europe to follow her husbands field hockey dream, and her love for writing surged to the surface.

Her debut story, Cut, was penned over two years where her hobby seemed to lead to the completion of Pennys' world. The rest of the series came the following year.

Kathleen enjoys writing stories full of self-discovery, emotional journeys and of course, love.

Something else she loves is hearing from her readers, so feel free to follow her blog or drop her an email.

For signed copies of her novels, more information about upcoming stories, or to follow her blog, please visit her website www.kathleenmaree.weebly.com

Dream often. Believe always.

Kathleen xo

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Thursday, November 4, 2021

In His Eyes is now Live! Check it our on KU

by Michelle Mankin

NOW LIVE! In His Eyes by Michelle Mankin is only $2.99 for a limited time + FREE in Kindle Unlimited!

Get your copy now ➩ https://geni.us/InHisEyes

A Standalone Enemies to Lovers Best Friend's Boyfriend Rockstar Romance by New York Times bestselling author Michelle Mankin.

Dolly Byron
I’m the lead singer. Centerstage is my role, but I prefer being the person behind the scenes helping others. My best friend Jo is the driving force behind our all-girl band. Jo says I’m the heart, and that I give away too much of it without looking after myself, but that’s the way she sees me. The tall and devastatingly handsome but grumpy drummer for the Heavy Metal Enthusiasts seems to see me differently. After watching the hot sex video Jo did with him for the RFC, I’m looking at Tyler Vaughn differently too. Usually Ty and I just fight, but now I’m wondering what it would be like for him to do me like he did Jo in that video.

Tyler Vaughn
Dolly Byron is a sweet, fiery little pixie, and every curvy inch of her is sexy as hell. With those dimples and highland green eyes, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, not that I would ever tell her any of that. She hates me. Since Jo broke up with me, Dolly is all I can think about. But she’s not impressed like the other chicks are that I’m a rockstar. She seems to see through all that to the real me, not a good thing for a guy too difficult for even his parents to love. So the question remains. How do I get her into my bed?

In His Eyes is an unputdownable, standalone spin-off from the completed RFC series. It’s 73 chapters long, an enemies to lovers, best friend’s boyfriend, rockstar romance trope packed with emotion, angst, and scorching heat. If you prefer that your hero and heroine not have combustible chemistry or serious obstacles to overcome to be together, do not read this book.

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