Monday, September 4, 2017

Bear Moon! A new Series. Pre order Now!

The gift of the padfoot cost Ripley Kent everything.

As a girl, she was chosen by the death dog. In one week, she lost everything. Her parents, her brother. Even her community of shifters shunned the power she sheltered.

She swore she’d never return to their prejudiced hatred, but when her uncle dies, Ripley is called back to Troutdale to settle his affairs. She thinks she can get in and get out unaffected, but Joe Elliott has other ideas.

He needs her, and it’s not in all the old ways her body remembers so well.

His twin brother has been bitten by a rabid wolf, and as the death glow overwhelms the town, Ripley’s padfoot gift explodes into the curse she’s always feared.

Ripley owes these people nothing after the way they’ve treated her. But that’s the thing with gifts. Sometimes they cost more to ignore. Love is only one save-of-the-day away.

Buy Bear Moon and be transformed today!

Buy Links:

Kindle: BearMoon/Amazon
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iBooks: BearMoon/iBooks
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Sunday, September 3, 2017

Gluten free Dairy free Tiramisu with vegan "cheese/cream" filling

For The last year w have been dealing with the world of food allergies. We found out last September that my oldest son had a severe dairy allergy along with alot of outdoor allergis. Armed with an pi pen we startd to navigate this world. Next thing I know he starts reacting to things left and right. Now he is no peanuts, almonds, cashews, gluten, corn, dairy and peaches. 

To add my 3rd child ( he is almost 6), gets severe migraines. After a few appoinments we found out that any dairy, gluten, msg, strawberris and nitrates are his triggers. If he has any of these, and we don't catch it with medicine fast, he is laid out for at least a day with a migriane.

I found out i have a mild dairy allergy and gluteen intolerances, as well as the msg, sulfaties and nitrates that trigger migrains.

So its been rough. My oldest just wants to be normal and eat like everyone else. So I try very hard to make foods for our family that he can eat to.

WHich brings me to the Tiramisu. I love baking and watching The Great British Bake Off. Its so awesome. My husband happens to love deserets, so it works well. I stopped baking for awhile dealing with all these changes. 

A couple days ago we saw and pisode where they made a Tiramisu cake and I knew I had to mak it for my husbnd (his favorite desert besides pumpkin pie). After alot of research I found a sponge recipe and realized that I would have to make my own cream recipe.

So this is the Gluten Free Victorian Sponge Cake. I used soy mild and a gluten free flour blend I make. I also made it in a baking sheet since I needed to make layers

The sponge cut into 4 pieces for the layers
For the cream I could not find anything that didnt us nuts in some way. So i combined a bunch of different ones and tweaked it.

"Mascarpone" Cheese

  • 16 oz Firm Tofu
  • 2 tsp Nutritional yeast
  • 4 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp powder sugar
  • 3/4 cup non dairy milk (I used soy because thats what I had)
I broke up the Tofu and put in my nut milk bag to squeeze out the water. You can use cheese cloth or a dish towel. Then I added eveything to the blender and bleneded until smooth. I had to scrape it down a few times. If I had a food processor I woufl have used that.

Next thing I did was make some coconut whipped cream. I took 2 cans of cocont milk and put them in the fridge. After a few hours I opened the can and then scraped off the cream. I beat it with my hand mixer until it was whipped cream.

After I had the cream and cheese done, i mixed them together.

Then I started assembling. It went like this;
  • Put sponge down
  • Brush coffee on the sponge ( I used Cafe Bustelo coffee I had brewed and chilled in the fridge)
  • Then the Cream/cheese mix on the sponge
  • Then some dark chocolate shavings ( I used enjoy life dark chocolate)
  • Repeat with the rest of the sponge
On the top You put the coffee on the sponge and do a crumb coat with the cream/cheese mix. Then add more of the mix and top with cocoa powder.

Not the prettiest but dang tasty lol.
For next time I wont be making the coconut whipped cream because of the coconut taste. 
Also making sure the chocolate pieces are smaller and more coffee on all the sponge layer.

 He is my non food allergy hubby eating his second piece for breakfast. He said it was really good for being allergy friendly.

Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Celebration Blitz for the Release of 50 Hours

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Release Celebration Blitz for
50 Hours
By Loree Lough

Note from the Author

When Kevin J. O’Neill asked me to novelize his screenplay of 50 Hours, I was beyond flattered. He’s a well-established actor, producer, director, and writer, himself, and knows hundreds of talented authors. To say that he hooked me on the story during our very first phone conversation is an understatement. His enthusiasm was contagious, and once I read the actual screenplay, well, I was RE-hooked! Instantly, my mind started whirling with ideas that could broaden and deepen the storyline and the characters: I saw the hospice center in my mind. Envisioned Franco and Aubrey. Built on the screenplay’s basic descriptions until the main characters were well-rounded, believable individuals with interesting backgrounds…and believable, reader-identifiable flaws. I knew right away that these two would need other characters to interact with, so I invented them. They helped me expose the inner fears, thoughts, and joys the main characters were hiding—from others, and from themselves. (Kevin included a bluejay in his screenplay and I loved it so much that I turned it into a secondary character, and oh, what fun I had writing him!)

— Loree

50 Hours
by Loree Lough
Paperback & ebook, 288 pages
June 30th 2017 by Progressive Rising Phoenix Press

Franco Allessi is a broken, lonely man who wants nothing more than to outrun the ghosts of his past. For years, he tries to numb the pain of his wife's death with cheap beer and whiskey. When he's convicted of drunk driving, the judge revokes his license for six months and orders him to serve fifty hours of community service. Franco chooses Savannah Falls Hospice for no reason other than it's walking distance from his dilapidated house trailer. On his first day on the job, he meets Aubrey Brewer, a woman whose time on earth is quickly ticking to a stop. Their unusual connection teaches powerful, life-changing lessons about friendship, acceptance, and the importance of appreciating that precious treasure called Life.

Advanced Praise

Loree Lough is an exceptional author, and that's why I approached her about writing the novel for my Feature film, 50 Hours. But I had no idea how wonderful her novelization would be until I read it. Loree was able to dig so deep into my characters. She unearthed and richly developed the film’s skeletal characters and give them three dimensional lives. I am so happy with the book!Kevin O’Neill, writer/director/actor/producer

I defy anyone to start the beautifully written 50 Hours and to put it down or to go on with their own lives as they had before reading about the remarkable, emotional and insightful relationship between dying Aubrey and the lost Franco. As a recent widow myself, the strength, humor and respect between the main characters shot close to home, but delivered so much hope and love that even as I march forward to tomorrow, my perspective has altered---all to the positive. In her last days in this life, Aubrey finally lives out the dreams she's been too browbeaten by her mother and ex-husband to accomplish. She can only do this with help from Franco, who risks imprisonment to see her wish come true. Emerson said, "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded." Aubrey and Franco succeeded. Believe me when I say, THIS IS THE KIND OF BOOK THAT WINS PULITZER PRIZES.Catherine Lanigan, Author of Romancing the Stone, The Jewel of the Nile, and over forty-five novels and non-fiction

50 Hours is a moving story about love, loss, friendship, and last chances. It’s a reminder that our lives are precious stories, no matter how long or short. This is a must-read for all of us who have been touched by cancer – victims, caregivers, family, and friends. This poignant and touching tale will inspire hope in the midst of even the darkest hours. — Cerella Sechrist, author of the popular Findlay Roads series from Harlequin


He hustled down the hall and stood beside her. “What’s up, kiddo? Thirsty? Need a pain pill?”

“No, no, I’m . . . I’m so cold.”

She was only using half the bed, so he doubled the blanket and bedspread over her.


When she shook her head, he raced back down the hall to gather up his linens. But even with the extra quilt, Aubrey continued shivering.

“I could pile bath towels and jackets on top of that . . . or get into bed beside you, let my body heat warm you up.”

She patted the mattress, then rolled onto her side. “Would you? Please?”

Franco slid under the covers and tucked in close behind her. It took a full five minutes before her breathing slowed and she stopped shaking—he knew exactly how long it had taken, because he’d watched every flick of the glowing blue numbers on the LED alarm on the night table.

Being this close to her was the oddest sensation, because not once in their hours together had she roused sexual feelings in him. She still hadn’t. And yet, he’d never felt this way about any woman, not even Jill. Franco held her a little tighter. With time running out, this was as close as they’d ever be. If only he could share good health and stamina the way he was sharing warmth.

Aubrey moved, and he whispered, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you.”

“I’m the most selfish woman on earth.”

“That’s crazy talk.”

“You realize how much trouble you’re in?” was her sleepy reply.


“If the cops find us, you might have to serve time. And not just fifty hours of community service.”

Yeah, he knew, and didn’t care. It felt good, felt right, doing these small things for her. The ugly truth was, when he got out of jail—however long that might take—he’d still be alive. And Aubrey? Aubrey would be—

“I’m positively evil, asking you to take such a risk.”

“You didn’t hold a gun to my head. I’m a big boy. Could have said no, if I’d wanted to.”

“I know.”

About the Author

Bestselling author LOREE LOUGH once sang for her supper, performing across the U.S. and Canada. Now and then, she blows the dust from her 6-string to croon a tune or two, but mostly, she writes novels that have earned hundreds of industry and "Readers' Choice" awards, 4- and 5-star reviews, and 7 book-to-movie options. The Man She Knew, #1 in her “By Way of the Lighthouse” series, her 3rd for Harlequin Heartwarming, is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and

Blitz Giveaway

- 2 winners will win a copy of 50 HOURS (print if US/ebook if international)
- 1 winner will win a $10 Amazon e-gift card
- Ends July 5th

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Book Blitz for Venom and Steel

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Release Celebration Blitz for
Venom and Steel
By Melissa Wright

Venom and Steel
(Frey Saga #4)
by Melissa Wright
YA/NA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 214 pages
July 1st 2017

Three seasons of peace come with a price.

It's dark night in the kingdom of the fey when the castle is attacked, and Ruby has gone missing. If Frey can't decipher the clues, one of her Seven might pay with their life.

But winged gods and high fey tricksters are plotting to steal more than a Halfling. Frey's high guard is torn apart, her magic too volatile, and in three moons, the fates will dance.

If she can't regain her guard and get a grip on her powers, the fate of the lands will rest in fey hands—but to do so, she must place her trust in one of them.


The Changeling

In a three room shack deep within the eastern most valleys, slept a human babe. Its swaddling gown was thin, threadbare and second-hand, the color dull with age. To the young blue fey, it smelled like meat.

Fira giggled, tiptoeing across the uneven plank floor, and Fedrine, half again her size, pushed the fairy and hissed a warning to be silent. It was too rough; the smaller fairy rolled forward in her stumble, crashing awkwardly—noisily—into the makeshift crib. The babe screamed, jolted to waking, and Fira covered her own ears as she cowered below.

Footsteps sounded in the main room.

Fedrine grabbed the swaddled child and tossed it—bundle and all—out the window. As it landed softly in the tall grass, Fira cried out in protest, her tiny hands gesturing wildly through the air. Fedrine’s eyes narrowed on the other fey, their depthless black inspiring both a spike of fear and the thrill of the hunt. He motioned toward the naked bedding.

Fira smiled, and then crawled into the youngling’s crib.

When the humans entered their firstborn child’s bedroom, it was not the slender form of Fedrine they saw. The changeling fey had shifted, his skin going pale, the fur lining his neck curling into long chestnut locks, kissed by the sun. His thin lips were softened and curved, color dotting his cheeks. The only thing unchanged in him, was the endless chasm of his eyes. His head tilted down, hand snaking slowly over the soft lumps of what appeared to be their unharmed babe in its bed. It would look to the humans like a blessing, some angel of mercy come to show favor upon their child.

The human woman fell to her knees, shaking as her work-calloused palms covered her mouth. “Heavens,” she whispered through her fingers, bony and underfed as they were. “Heavens exalt us with this gift.” 

It was clear she was waiting for some response, but Fedrine did not speak. The changelings had no words.

The changelings had teeth.

Other Books in the Series

(Frey Saga #1)

Unaware she's been bound from using magic, Frey leads a small, miserable life in the village where she's sent after the death of her mother. But a tiny spark starts a fury of changes and she finds herself running from everything she's ever known.

Hunted by council for practicing dark magic, she is certain she's been wrongfully accused. She flees, and is forced to rely on strangers for protection. But the farther she strays from home, the more her magic and forgotten memories return and she begins to suspect all is not as it seems.

FREE in ebook everywhere!

Pieces of Eight
(Frey Saga #2)

The story of Frey continues in this, the second book of the series.

After revealing her dark history, Frey is forced to join with a group of strangers whose pasts seem to intertwine with her own. She struggles to regain her memories and her full power, only to discover there is more danger on the other side. Except now, there is no turning back.

(Frey Saga #2.5)

Molly dreamed her whole life of living in a world of magic... until the day she walked into one. This short story falls between The Frey Saga Book Two: Pieces of Eight and the third book, Rise of The Seven.

Rise of Seven
(Frey Saga #3)

As Frey works to regain control of the North, a small silver dagger nearly brings her end. She raises her guard and proves her abilities, but another attempt on her life, from what appears to be fey, reveals not all are pleased with her return. If she could only figure out the force behind the attacks, she might be able to relax enough to decide what to do about her other problem... Chevelle.

About the Author

Melissa Wright is the author of the Frey Saga and Descendants Series. She is currently working on the next book, but when not writing can be found collecting the things she loves at Goodreads and Pinterest.

Release Blitz Giveaway

1 winner will win ebooks of Pieces of Eight and Rise of Seven, along with a $10 Amazon e-gift card
Open internationally
Ends July 6th

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His Family is Live!

“Sheila Kell has mastered the romantic suspense genre…”
Title: His Family
Series: HIS Series #6 - Novella
Author: Sheila Kell
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Designer: CT Cover Creations
Photographer: Eric Battershell
Editor: Hot Tree Editing
From Romantic Suspense BEST-SELLING Author is a HIS novella. What happens when a man used to being in control has to call in his family to rescue the woman he loves? In Sheila Kell’s novella of danger and desire, a charismatic U.S. Senator and an assertive CEO are connected by the love they share. A love about to be ripped out from beneath them.

When family stands together anything is possible.
U.S. Senator Blake Hamilton has finally found love—only to have the woman who's unraveled him snatched away in a home invasion. By the time his family arrives, he’s ready to find Elizabeth and make her his—if she’ll have him.

As he suits up to rescue her, Blake debates the danger he’s putting his sons' lives in. But if he doesn’t, he may never see Elizabeth again. With tough decisions to make and a battle of wills, Blake has to decide how much he'll risk to free the woman who has captured his heart.

HIS FAMILY is book 6 in the HIS romantic suspense series. If you like thrilling, edge of your seat reading with sizzling sex scenes, then you’ll love each installment of Sheila Kell’s best-selling series.

Praise for Sheila Kell
“Sheila Kell has become one of those authors I know I will continue to read.” - The Book Gurus
“One thing is for sure, Sheila Kell has solidly landed herself on my One-Click-Addiction List with this group.” - BookwormBetties

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Trade Me Volume 1-3 on Sale!

Only 99c for a limited time!
Regular price - $5.99

Gen Ryan ~ Randi Perrin ~ Laura N. Andrews

Title: Trade Me, Volume 1-3
Genre: Gay Romance
Release Date: June 17, 2017
Cover Designer: Soxsational Cover Art

What happens when red-hot mechanics find the men of their dreams? 

With strong happily ever afters, meet three couples in Fix You, Wreck You, and Forever You as these gorgeous men embark on their relationship, and sometime personal, journeys of self-discovery and love. 

600 pages of escapism wrapped up in so many delicious sexy words.

🔧Fix You by Gen Ryan
Maxwell Craver pretends his entire life to be someone he’s not. It used to be easier to lie to himself and to everyone who cared for him until Jason Lewis comes along and changes everything. For the first time, Maxwell thinks that maybe he can finally be his true self.

Jason Lewis has always been open about his sexuality. When he hires Maxwell to restore his new car, their connection and heat are instant. By agreeing to help him overcome his fears, Jason vows to fix him, even if it means breaking his own heart.

🛠Wreck You by Randi Perrin
Mechanic for Hard and Fast, Mike Davis has an intense crush on the parts delivery driver, Blake. For the sake of the business, he keeps his distance, not acting on his wanton desires. What Mike doesn’t realize is Blake is crushing equally as hard on him.

Just as love and life appear to take shape for Mike, his old demons take hold and drag him under, leaving him spiraling out of control.

Will Blake push Mike further into the abyss or will he be the one to finally pull him free?

🔩Forever You by Laura N. Andrews
Matthew Price travels across the country to join his twin sister in Brooklyn. As an openly gay man who appreciates casual flings, the last thing he expects is to meet the man of his dreams.

Benjamin Stokes has always considered himself straight. When he hires Matthew to work at his garage and finds himself captivated, his sexuality comes into question.

From the moment they meet, their sexual desires grow fierce. Will they discover a deeper connection than just the physical? 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Very Best Man Book Blast!



Jane Lawson is getting married, so of course her sister Susan will be her maid-of-honor. But when sis skips out on planning the wedding, Jane finds a surprising stand-in… the best man! Dr. David Wells is more than willing to taste wedding cakes, sample reception menus, and even help the bride in and out of wedding dresses, if it means spending time with her. Soon enough, she’ll be his best friend Alan’s wife… and thus off limits forever. But when the groom says 'I don't', and runs off with the maid-of-honor, his best man is left to pick up the pieces of the bride's heart. David is more than willing, and as Jane turns to him for support, their friendship blossoms into something much more. Until Jane's old fears get in the way, and David realizes that to keep her, he must fight not only her hostile family, but ghosts from her past.

Amazon / iBooks / Nook / Google Play / Kobo / Smashwords



      With an overactive imagination and a love for writing, Laura Stapleton decided to type out her daydreams and what-
pbt150ifs in order to share her lovable characters and their worlds with readers. She currently lives in Kansas City with her husband, daughter, dog, and a few cats. When not at the computer, you'll find her in the park for a jog or at the yarn store's clearance section.    

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Tour for Remember When

Title: Remember When
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 29, 2017
Cover Designer: Claire Smith

 Add to TBR


This wasn’t how it was supposed to be….

They met at a wedding, Todd the only man wearing jeans, Jessica the beauty with a troubled background. Settled into married life after falling in love, they have so many things left to do in life. They think they have so much time… until Jessica and Todd’s average married life comes to a halt on a snowy back road. When their truck careens down an embankment, they find themselves in a life-or-death situation. With rescue seeming impossible, they cling to the only hope they have left: their love for each other.

As they fight for survival, their connection carries them through the biggest challenge of their lives. Memories and regrets swirl around the couple as they finally take a moment to reflect on what they’re doing in life.

There’s one big, icy question that haunts them, though: Is this where their story will end?

Together, they were a functioning but crazy couple, living in the adult world of responsibility but straying from the normal every now and then to experience life to the fullest.

Together, they could get through anything. She had to cling to that.

She perked up at the thought of having some temporary relief from the cold as Todd wriggled to get closer to the driver seat, being careful to not jiggle his leg too much. He reached over to the keys, turning it with a whispered “Please.”

Nothing happened.

“Shit.” He slammed the dashboard in frustration. His temper was always one of his flaws.

“Let me try,” she uttered, reaching for the key in his hand.

“It’s not working.”


She shoved him away, trying the key herself, whispering “Please.” If her toes weren’t so damn cold, she’d cross them all in hopes of the engine coming to life.

She turned the key and laughed at her luck. The engine chugged to life.

“Wrong again,” she gloated, a huge grin on her face.

“You know, I should push you out in the snow.”

The smile stifled itself at his words, even as the sound of the engine underscored her hope, emphasized the soon-to-be warmth that would be theirs.

She didn’t respond to his statement, lost in her own bout of regrets and guilt.

 “Jess?” he asked finally, concern in his voice.

She warmed her hands in front of the heater. It already felt heavenly, even though it wasn’t even close to being completely warm. Finally, she responded in a disconsolate voice, “Probably should. This is my fault.”

“Hey, stop it. Don’t blame yourself.” He put a hand on her arm, shaking her a bit.

“If I’d listened….”

“We might still have ended up here, or worse. Things could be worse. We could’ve hit a tree head-on. By some luck, we landed right between them. It’s all okay. It’s all going to work out.” He, too, rubbed his hands in front of the heater.

“I love you,” she whispered, still feeling guilty, still not quite believing him. This was her fault. She’d messed up, big-time. Who knew what price they’d pay for it.

“I love you too.”

She smiled again, leaning against him as she basked in the warmth of the heat radiating through her fingers. They sat, wordless, reveling in the simple but heavenly feeling.

Todd interrupted the silence a few moments later. “You do know, when we get out of this, I’m never letting you live this down.”

She groaned, shaking her head as she pulled away from him. “You just said it’s not my fault.”

“Of course I did. Because right now, I can’t blame you or I look like a dick. Later, though, oh man, is this going to be a great addition to my amateur comedic stand-up at parties.”


A high school English teacher, an author, and a fan of anything pink and/or glittery, Lindsay's the English teacher cliché; she love cats, reading, Shakespeare, and Poe.

She currently lives in her hometown with her husband, Chad (her junior high sweetheart); their cats, Arya, Amelia, Alice, and Bob; and their Mastiff, Henry.

Lindsay's goal with her writing is to show the power of love and the beauty of life while also instilling a true sense of realism in her work. Some reviewers have noted that her books are not the “typical romance.” With her novels coming from a place of honesty, Lindsay examines the difficult questions, looks at the tough emotions, and paints the pictures that are sometimes difficult to look at. She wants her fiction to resonate with readers as realistic, poetic, and powerful. Lindsay wants women readers to be able to say, “I see myself in that novel.” She wants to speak to the modern woman’s experience while also bringing a twist of something new and exciting. Her aim is for readers to say, “That could happen,” or “I feel like the characters are real.” That’s how she knows she's done her job.

Lindsay's hope is that by becoming a published author, she can inspire some of her students and other aspiring writers to pursue their own passions. She wants them to see that any dream can be attained and publishing a novel isn’t out of the realm of possibility.

 Rescue Me Submissions

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Occult and Battery review

Occult and Battery
by Lena Gregory
Series: Bay Island Psychic Mystery, #2
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Publisher:  Berkley
Release Date: April 4, 2017

A murder mystery weekend becomes a little too real in the latest Bay Island Psychic Mystery from the author of Death at First Sight—

Cass Donovan uses her skills as a former psychiatrist to get away with pretending to be psychic, but she’s not about to let anyone get away with murder...

The outlook is not so good for Cass’s psychic shop, Mystical Musings. With winter winds discouraging tourists from riding the ferry from Long Island to Bay Island, Cass hopes to draw in more customers by hosting a murder mystery weekend, complete with a séance, in a supposedly haunted mansion.

But Cass begins to lose her spirit when her ex-husband shows up, along with his fiancée—Cass’s ex-best friend. Then, after one of the guests is found dead, a blizzard blows in, trapping everyone inside with a murderer. Now Cass must divine who did the deed before her reputation and her livelihood fade away.

     “Stop the car!”
     Bee Maxwell slammed on the brakes, skidding to a stop on the sand-covered shoulder. Without loosening his white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel, he turned a glare on Cass. “Are you crazy? What’s the matter?”
     Cass released her hold on the dashboard and shot him a grin. “We’re here.”
     A hand the size of a baseball mitt fluttered to Bee’s chest, with all the drama of a true diva. “You nearly gave me a heart attack because we’ve arrived at our secret destination?” Gritting his teeth, he shifted gently into park. No way would he jam the shifter into gear, even though she could tell he badly wanted to. The black Trans Am was his baby, always to be treated tenderly. Cass, on the other hand, was a different story. Bee looked about ready to throttle her. “Wouldn’t it have been easier to just tell me where we were going?”
     Stephanie Lawrence poked her head between the seats to stare at Cass. “Not that I want to agree with Bee, but really, Cass, you could have just told him where to go. Then maybe this maniac wouldn’t have nearly put us through the windshield.”
     She shrugged. “I didn’t think he’d agree to take me if I told him where we were going.”
     Bee waved a hand in dismissal and glanced out the window, as if realizing for the first time where they were.
     The old, supposedly haunted Madison Estate perched in the center of the highest ground on the island, amid dried-up beach grass, trees long since devoid of leaves, and garbage from whatever kids were brave—or stupid—enough to ignore their parents’ warnings. Thick, grey clouds gathered overhead, lending credence to the haunted stories Cass had heard since childhood.
     A dainty shiver ran through Bee’s bulky frame. “Well, if your destination has anything to do with that house, you can just count me out.”
     “But it’s perfect.” She opened the door and shot him a quick grin over her shoulder.
     “Hey. Where are you going?”
     Ignoring Bee’s protests, Cass climbed from the car. She closed the door behind her, effectively cutting off any further arguments. Bee happened to be deathly afraid of ghosts. Not that he believed in them.

This was a fun simple read. Cass is trying to keep her shop by enticing visitors to come for a murder mystery weekend. Like it always does something went terribly wrong, Now the fact that she is not actually psychic could come out and everything could be lost.
The story is well written and so are the characters. The 3 friends are great together I just love how they are written. I think its funny how her ex shows up. It makes the story real because we all know that the last thing you want always happens. For me the story just felt to predictable. It was nice reading for a night when you feel lazy and just relaxing.

Lena lives in a small town on the south shore of eastern Long Island with her husband and three children.

When she was growing up, she spent many lazy afternoons on the beach, in the yard, anywhere she could find to curl up with a good book. She loves reading as much now as she did then, but she now enjoys the added pleasure of creating her own stories.

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